"Investigation of Fe incorporation in (010) β-Ga2O3 films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May, 2019.
, "Investigation of oxygen and other impurities and their effect on the transparency of a Na flux grown GaN crystal", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 508, pp. 50 - 57, 2019.
, "Investigation of the Atomic and Electronic Structure of β-(Al0.2Ga0.8)2O3 Alloys by STEM-EELS", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 25, pp. 2186–2187, 2019.
, "Investigation of unintentional Fe incorporation in (010) β-Ga2O3 films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 115, pp. 052102, 2019.
, "InxGa1-xN Alloys Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy (PAMBE) with Growth Rates Up to 1.3 μm/hr", 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May, 2019.
, "Low temperature electron mobility exceeding 104 cm2/V s in MOCVD grown β-Ga2O3", APL Materials, vol. 7, pp. 121110, 2019.
, "MOCVD grown epitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin film with an electron mobility of 176 cm2/V s at room temperature", APL Materials, vol. 7, pp. 022506, 2019.
, "Modeling dislocation-related leakage currents in GaN p-n diodes", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 126, pp. 245705, 2019.
, "Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials and Device Applications", Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic Applications: Wiley, 2019.
, "Nanometer scale structural and compositional inhomogeneities of half-Heusler CoTi1-xFexSb thin films", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 125, pp. 205301, 2019.
, "Near unity ideality factor for sidewall Schottky contacts on un-intentionally doped $\upbeta$-Ga2O3", Applied Physics Express, vol. 12, pp. 044005, mar, 2019.
, "Photoreflectance and photoinduced microwave reflectance studies of surface band bending in Mg-doped InN", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 126, pp. 045712, 2019.
, "Puzzle of non-surface related 2D electron gas in n-InN epitaxial samples", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 126, pp. 045705, 2019.
, "Realization of thin-film m-plane InGaN laser diode fabricated by epitaxial lateral overgrowth and mechanical separation from a reusable growth substrate", Opt. Express, vol. 27, pp. 24717–24723, Aug, 2019.
, "Recent progress in AlGaN UV-C LEDs grown on SiC", 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW), May, 2019.
, "Reduced dislocation density and residual tension in AlN grown on SiC by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 115, pp. 161101, 2019.
, "Semipolar (202̅1̅) InGaN/GaN micro-photodetector for gigabit-per-second visible light communication", Applied Physics Express, vol. 13, pp. 014001, nov, 2019.
, "Semipolar III-nitride laser diodes for solid-state lighting", Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XVIII: International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019.
, "Size-independent peak efficiency of III-nitride micro-light-emitting-diodes using chemical treatment and sidewall passivation", Applied Physics Express, vol. 12, pp. 097004, aug, 2019.
, "Solar blind Schottky photodiode based on an MOCVD-grown homoepitaxial β-Ga2O3 thin film", APL Materials, vol. 7, pp. 022527, 2019.
, "Stress relaxation in semipolar and nonpolar III-nitride heterostructures by formation of misfit dislocations of various origin", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 126, pp. 245104, 2019.
, "VUV Frequency Comb by Cavity-Enhanced High Harmonic Generation on Solid Surfaces", Laser Congress 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C): Optical Society of America, 2019.
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"Auger-generated hot carrier current in photo-excited forward biased single quantum well blue light emitting diodes", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, no. 14: AIP Publishing, pp. 141106, 2018.
, "Carrier localization induced by alloy disorder in nitride devices: theory and experiments (Conference Presentation)", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XIII, vol. 10532: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 105320S, 2018.