
Found 1586 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Fireman, M. N., B. Bonef, E. C. Young, N. Nookala, M. A. Belkin, and J. S. Speck, "Strain compensated superlattices on m-plane gallium nitride by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 122, no. 7: AIP Publishing, pp. 075105, 2017.
Mughal, A. J., B. Carberry, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, and S. P. DenBaars, "Structural and Optical Properties of Group III Doped Hydrothermal ZnO Thin Films", Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 46, no. 3: Springer US, pp. 1821–1825, 2017.
Holder, C. O., D. F. Feezell, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura, Structure and method for the fabrication of a gallium nitride vertical cavity surface emitting laser, 2017.
Shen, C., T. Khee Ng, Y. Guo, C. Lee, J. T. Leonard, G. Liu, K. Ting Ho, H. M. Oubei, X. Sun, J. H. Lerma, et al., Towards III-nitride photonic IC: a new platform for smart lighting and visible light communication, 2017.
Lee, C., J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, C. Shen, OOI. F. R. O. M. KAUST, A. Y. Alyamani, and MUNIR. M. E. L. - D. E. S. O. U. KACST, "Turbocharging LiFi with semi-polar lasers", III-Vs get out and about, pp. 60, 2017.
Kowsz, S. J., E. C. Young, B. P. Yonkee, C. D. Pynn, R. M. Farrell, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, and S. Nakamura, "Using tunnel junctions to grow monolithically integrated optically pumped semipolar III-nitride yellow quantum wells on top of electrically injected blue quantum wells", Optics express, vol. 25, no. 4: Optical Society of America, pp. 3841–3849, 2017.
Alema, F., B. Hertog, A. V. Osinsky, P. Mukhopadhyay, M. Toporkov, W. V. Schoenfeld, E. Ahmadi, and J. Speck, "Vertical solar blind Schottky photodiode based on homoepitaxial Ga 2 O 3 thin film", Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII, vol. 10105: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 101051M, 2017.
Fireman, MN., H. Li, S. Keller, U. K. Mishra, and J. S. Speck, "Vertical transport in isotype InAlN/GaN dipole induced diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 121, no. 20: AIP Publishing, pp. 205702, 2017.
Browne, D. A., M. N. Fireman, B. Mazumder, L. Y. Kuritzky, Y-R. Wu, and J. S. Speck, "Vertical transport through AlGaN barriers in heterostructures grown by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 025010, 2017.
Kelchner, K. M., J. S. Speck, N. A. Pfaff, and S. P. DenBaars, White light source employing a III-nitride based laser diode pumping a phosphor, 2017.
Jiang, R., E. Xia Zhang, M. W. McCurdy, J. Chen, X. Shen, P. Wang, D. M. Fleetwood, R. D. Schrimpf, S. W. Kaun, E. C. H. Kyle, et al., "Worst-case bias for proton and 10-keV X-ray irradiation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 64, no. 1: IEEE, pp. 218–225, 2017.
Chen, J., YS. Puzyrev, EX. Zhang, DM. Fleetwood, RD. Schrimpf, AR. Arehart, SA. Ringel, SW. Kaun, ECH. Kyle, JS. Speck, et al., "Absil, P., see Karmarkar, AP, TDMR Sept. 2016 402-412 Ahmed, S., see Kuhns, N., TDMR June 2016 105-111 Akbari, M., Virkki, J., Sydanheimo, L., and Ukkonen, L., Toward Graphene-Based Passive UHF RFID Textile Tags: A Reliability Study; TDMR Sept. 2016 429-4", IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1, 2016.
Malkowski, T. F., S. Pimputkar, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, and S. Nakamura, "Acidic ammonothermal growth of gallium nitride in a liner-free molybdenum alloy autoclave", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 456: North-Holland, pp. 21–26, 2016.
NiO, S-transparent., "applications and materials science", Phys. Status Solidi A, vol. 1, no. x2215, pp. x0029, 2016.
Pimputkar, S., JS. Speck, and S. Nakamura, "Basic ammonothermal GaN growth in molybdenum capsules", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 456: North-Holland, pp. 15–20, 2016.
Young, EC., N. Grandjean, TE. Mates, and JS. Speck, "Calcium impurity as a source of non-radiative recombination in (In, Ga) N layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, no. 21: AIP Publishing, pp. 212103, 2016.
Hogan, J. E., S. W. Kaun, E. Ahmadi, Y. Oshima, and J. S. Speck, "Chlorine-based dry etching of β-Ga2O3", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 6: IOP Publishing, pp. 065006, 2016.
Leonard, JT., EC. Young, BP. Yonkee, DA. Cohen, C. Shen, T. Margalith, T. Khee Ng, SP. DenBaars, B. S. Ooi, JS. Speck, et al., "Comparison of nonpolar III-nitride vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with tunnel junction and ITO intracavity contacts", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XI, vol. 9748: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 97481B, 2016.
Oshima, Y., E. Ahmadi, S. C. Badescu, F. Wu, and J. S. Speck, "Composition determination of β-(Al x Ga1- x) 2O3 layers coherently grown on (010) β-Ga2O3 substrates by high-resolution X-ray diffraction", Applied Physics Express, vol. 9, no. 6: IOP Publishing, pp. 061102, 2016.
Zhang, Z., D. Cardwell, A. Sasikumar, ECH. Kyle, J. Chen, EX. Zhang, DM. Fleetwood, RD. Schrimpf, JS. Speck, AR. Arehart, et al., "Correlation of proton irradiation induced threshold voltage shifts to deep level traps in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, no. 16: AIP Publishing, pp. 165704, 2016.
Smirnov, AM., EC. Young, VE. Bougrov, JS. Speck, and AE. Romanov, "Critical thickness for the formation of misfit dislocations originating from prismatic slip in semipolar and nonpolar III-nitride heterostructures", APL Materials, vol. 4, no. 1: AIP Publishing, pp. 016105, 2016.
Foronda, H. M., A. E. Romanov, E. C. Young, C. A. Robertson, G. E. Beltz, and J. S. Speck, "Curvature and bow of bulk GaN substrates", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 120, no. 3: AIP Publishing, pp. 035104, 2016.
Foronda, H. Miguel, A. E. Romanov, E. C. Young, C. A. Robertson, G. E. Beltz, and J. S. Speck, "Curvature of HVPE c-plane grown GaN wafers in the relation to stress gradients caused by inclined threading dislocations", Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW)[Includes 28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide & Related Materials (IPRM) & 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS), 2016: IEEE, pp. 1–1, 2016.
Jiang, R., X. Shen, J. Chen, GX. Duan, EX. Zhang, DM. Fleetwood, RD. Schrimpf, SW. Kaun, ECH. Kyle, JS. Speck, et al., "Degradation and annealing effects caused by oxygen in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, no. 2: AIP Publishing, pp. 023511, 2016.
Yonkee, B. P., E. C. Young, C. Lee, J. T. Leonard, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura, "Demonstration of a III-nitride edge-emitting laser diode utilizing a GaN tunnel junction contact", Optics express, vol. 24, no. 7: Optical Society of America, pp. 7816–7822, 2016.
