
Found 1586 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Yonkee, B. P., E. C. Young, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura, "High reflectivity Ohmic contacts to n-GaN utilizing vacuum annealed aluminum", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 1: IOP Publishing, pp. 015015, 2017.
Kuritzky, L. Y., A. C. Espenlaub, B. P. Yonkee, C. D. Pynn, S. P. DenBaars, S. Nakamura, C. Weisbuch, and J. S. Speck, "High wall-plug efficiency blue III-nitride LEDs designed for low current density operation", Optics express, vol. 25, no. 24: Optical Society of America, pp. 30696–30707, 2017.
Hwang, D., N. G. Young, B. Yonkee, B. K. Saifaddin, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura, Iii-v micro-led arrays and methods for preparing the same, 2017.
Jackson, C. M., A. R. Arehart, T. J. Grassman, B. McSkimming, J. S. Speck, and S. A. Ringel, "Impact of Surface Treatment on Interface States of ALD Al2O3/GaN Interfaces", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 6, no. 8: The Electrochemical Society, pp. P489–P494, 2017.
Uždavinys, T. K., D. L. Becerra, R. Ivanov, S. P. DenBaars, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, and S. Marcinkevičius, "Influence of well width fluctuations on recombination properties in semipolar InGaN quantum wells studied by time-and spatially-resolved near-field photoluminescence", Optical Materials Express, vol. 7, no. 9: Optical Society of America, pp. 3116–3123, 2017.
Shen, C., C. Lee, T. Khee Ng, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, and B. S. Ooi, "Integrated photonic platform based on semipolar InGaN/GaN multiple section laser diodes", Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2017 Conference on: IEEE, pp. 1–2, 2017.
D'evelyn, M. P., J. S. Speck, D. S. Kamber, and D. W. Pocius, Large area nitride crystal and method for making it, 2017.
D'evelyn, M. P., J. S. Speck, D. S. Kamber, and D. W. Pocius, Large area nitride crystal and method for making it, 2017.
Piccardo, M., C-K. Li, Y-R. Wu, J. S. Speck, B. Bonef, R. M. Farrell, M. Filoche, L. Martinelli, J. Peretti, and C. Weisbuch, "Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. II. Urbach tails of disordered quantum well layers", Physical Review B, vol. 95, no. 14: American Physical Society, pp. 144205, 2017.
Li, C-K., M. Piccardo, L-S. Lu, S. Mayboroda, L. Martinelli, J. Peretti, J. S. Speck, C. Weisbuch, M. Filoche, and Y-R. Wu, "Localization landscape theory of disorder in semiconductors. III. Application to carrier transport and recombination in light emitting diodes", Physical Review B, vol. 95, no. 14: American Physical Society, pp. 144206, 2017.
Bonef, B., R. Cramer, and J. S. Speck, "Nanometer scale composition study of MBE grown BGaN performed by atom probe tomography", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 121, no. 22: AIP Publishing, pp. 225701, 2017.
Rolland, N., F. Vurpillot, S. Duguay, B. Mazumder, J. S. Speck, and D. Blavette, "New Atom Probe Tomography Reconstruction Algorithm for Multilayered Samples: Beyond the Hemispherical Constraint", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 23, no. 2: Cambridge University Press, pp. 247–254, 2017.
Huang, J-J., H-C. Kuo, and S-C. Shen, Nitride Semiconductor Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Materials, Technologies, and Applications: Woodhead Publishing, 2017.
Forman, C. A., S. Lee, E. C. Young, J. T. Leonard, D. A. Cohen, B. P. Yonkee, T. Margalith, R. M. Farrell, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, et al., "Nonpolar GaN-based vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers", Photonics Conference (IPC), 2017 IEEE: IEEE, pp. 233–234, 2017.
Mughal, A. J., B. Carberry, S. Ho Oh, A. Myzaferi, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, and S. P. DenBaars, "Optoelectronic properties of doped hydrothermal ZnO thin films", physica status solidi (a), vol. 214, no. 6, 2017.
Iso, K., H. Yamada, M. Saito, A. Hirai, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura, Planar nonpolar group iii-nitride films grown on miscut substrates, 2017.
Mughal, A. J., E. C. Young, A. I. Alhassan, J. Back, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, and S. P. DenBaars, "Polarization-enhanced InGaN/GaN-based hybrid tunnel junction contacts to GaN p–n diodes and InGaN LEDs", Applied Physics Express, vol. 10, no. 12: IOP Publishing, pp. 121006, 2017.
Ivanov, R., S. Marcinkevičius, M. D. Mensi, O. Martinez, L. Y. Kuritzky, D. J. Myers, S. Nakamura, and J. S. Speck, "Polarization-Resolved Near-Field Spectroscopy of Localized States in m-Plane In x Ga 1- x N/Ga N Quantum Wells", Physical Review Applied, vol. 7, no. 6: American Physical Society, pp. 064033, 2017.
Vurpillot, F., D. Zanuttini, S. Parviainen, B. Mazumder, N. Rolland, C. Hatzoglou, and J. S. Speck, "Reconstructing APT Datasets: Challenging the Limits of the Possible", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 23, no. S1: Cambridge University Press, pp. 640–641, 2017.
Ivanov, R., S. Marcinkevičius, T. K. Uždavinys, L. Y. Kuritzky, S. Nakamura, and J. S. Speck, "Scanning near-field microscopy of carrier lifetimes in m-plane InGaN quantum wells", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, no. 3: AIP Publishing, pp. 031109, 2017.
Ahmadi, E., Y. Oshima, F. Wu, and J. S. Speck, "Schottky barrier height of Ni to β-(AlxGa1- x) 2O3 with different compositions grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 3: IOP Publishing, pp. 035004, 2017.
Forman, C., J. Leonard, B. Yonkee, C. Pynn, T. Mates, D. Cohen, R. Farrell, T. Margalith, S. DenBaars, J. Speck, et al., "Semipolar (202Ø1) III-Nitride P-Down LEDs with in situ anneal to reduce the Mg memory effect", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 464: North-Holland, pp. 197–200, 2017.
Shen, C., T. Khee Ng, C. Lee, J. T. Leonard, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, A. Y. Alyamani, M. M. El-Desouki, and B. S. Ooi, "Semipolar InGaN-based superluminescent diodes for solid-state lighting and visible light communications", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XII, vol. 10104: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 101041U, 2017.
Böer, K. Wolfgang, M. S. Brandt, M. J. Caldas, Z. Cao, P. Deák, D. A. Drabold, A. L. Efros, C. Felser, E. Fortunato, B. Gil, et al., Stefan Hildebrandt, 2017.
