
Found 1586 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Khoury, M., H. Li, B. Bonef, L. Y. Kuritzky, A. J. Mughal, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, and S. P. DenBaars, "Semipolar GaN templates on sapphire: 432 nm InGaN light-emitting diodes and light extraction simulations", Applied Physics Express, vol. 11, no. 3: IOP Publishing, pp. 036501, 2018.
Lee, C., C. Shen, C. Cozzan, R. M. Farrell, S. Nakamura, A. Y. Alyamani, B. S. Ooi, J. E. Bowers, S. P. DenBaars, and J. S. Speck, "Semipolar GaN-based laser diodes for Gbit/s white lighting communication: devices to systems", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XIII, vol. 10532: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 105321N, 2018.
Shen, C., T. Khee Ng, C. Lee, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, A. Y. Alyamani, M. M. El-Desouki, and B. S. Ooi, "Semipolar InGaN quantum-well laser diode with integrated amplifier for visible light communications", Optics express, vol. 26, no. 6: Optical Society of America, pp. A219–A226, 2018.
Peelaers, H., J. B. Varley, J. S. Speck, and C. G. Van de Walle, "Structural and electronic properties of Ga2O3-Al2O3 alloys", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, pp. 242101, 2018.
Jr, R. M. Farrell, T. J. Baker, A. Chakraborty, B. A. Haskell, M. P. Pattison, R. Sharma, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, et al., TECHNIQUE FOR THE GROWTH AND FABRICATION OF SEMIPOLAR (Ga, Al, In, B) N THIN FILMS, HETEROSTRUCTURES, AND DEVICES, 2018.
Chen, H-H., J. S. Speck, C. Weisbuch, and Y-R. Wu, "Three dimensional simulation on the transport and quantum efficiency of UVC-LEDs with random alloy fluctuations", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 113, pp. 153504, 2018.
Megalini, L., B. Cabinian, B. Bonef, H. Zhao, T. Mates, J. Speck, J. Bowers, and J. Klamkin, "1550-nm InGaAsP multi-quantum-well structures in InP nano-ridges by selective MOCVD growth on SOI substrates", Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics: Optical Society of America, pp. ITu2A–3, 2017.
Megalini, L., B. Bonef, B. C. Cabinian, H. Zhao, A. Taylor, J. S. Speck, J. E. Bowers, and J. Klamkin, "1550-nm InGaAsP multi-quantum-well structures selectively grown on v-groove-patterned SOI substrates", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, no. 3: AIP Publishing, pp. 032105, 2017.
Khoury, M., H. Li, L. Y. Kuritzky, A. J. Mughal, P. DeMierry, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, and S. P. DenBaars, "444 nm InGaN light emitting diodes on low-defect-density GaN templates on patterned sapphire", Applied Physics Express, vol. 10, no. 10: IOP Publishing, pp. 106501, 2017.
Foronda, H. M., B. Mazumder, E. C. Young, M. A. Laurent, Y. Li, S. P. DenBaars, and J. S. Speck, "Analysis of Vegardís law for lattice matching InxAl1- xN to GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition", Journal of Crystal Growth, vol. 475: North-Holland, pp. 127–135, 2017.
Rigutti, L., B. Bonef, J. Speck, F. Tang, and RA. Oliver, "Atom probe tomography of nitride semiconductors", Scripta Materialia: Pergamon, 2017.
Shen, J-X., D. Wickramaratne, C. E. Dreyer, A. Alkauskas, E. Young, J. S. Speck, and C. G. Van de Walle, "Calcium as a nonradiative recombination center in InGaN", Applied Physics Express, vol. 10, no. 2: IOP Publishing, pp. 021001, 2017.
Li, H., B. Mazumder, B. Bonef, S. Keller, S. Wienecke, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, and U. K. Mishra, "Characterization of N-polar AlN in GaN/AlN/(Al, Ga) N heterostructures grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 11: IOP Publishing, pp. 115004, 2017.
Bonef, B., R. Cramer, F. Wu, and J. S. Speck, "Correlated Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atom Probe Tomography study of Boron distribution in BGaN", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 23, no. S1: Cambridge University Press, pp. 668–669, 2017.
Ahmadi, E., O. S. Koksaldi, X. Zheng, T. Mates, Y. Oshima, U. K. Mishra, and J. S. Speck, "Demonstration of β-(Al x Ga1- x) 2O3/β-Ga2O3 modulation doped field-effect transistors with Ge as dopant grown via plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Applied Physics Express, vol. 10, no. 7: IOP Publishing, pp. 071101, 2017.
Mensi, M., R. Ivanov, T. K. Uz?davinys, K. M. Kelchner, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, J. S. Speck, and S. Marcinkevic?ius, "Direct measurement of nanoscale lateral carrier diffusion: toward scanning diffusion microscopy", ACS Photonics: American Chemical Society, 2017.
Li, H., M. Khoury, B. Bonef, A. I. Alhassan, A. J. Mughal, E. Azimah, M. E. A. Samsudin, P. De Mierry, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, et al., "Efficient Semipolar (11–22) 550 nm Yellow/Green InGaN Light-Emitting Diodes on Low Defect Density (11–22) GaN/Sapphire Templates", ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol. 9, no. 41: American Chemical Society, pp. 36417–36422, 2017.
Marcinkevičius, S., T. K. Uždavinys, H. M. Foronda, D. E. Cohen, J. S. Speck, and C. Weisbuch, "Evaluation of intervalley energy of GaN conduction band by ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy (Conference Presentation)", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XII, vol. 10104: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 101040L, 2017.
Mazumder, B., S. Broderick, K. Rajan, J. Peralta, H. Foronda, and J. S. Speck, "Field Evaporation Behavior of Ternary Compound Semiconductor In x Al ix N", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 23, no. S1: Cambridge University Press, pp. 636–637, 2017.
Ahmadi, E., O. S. Koksaldi, S. W. Kaun, Y. Oshima, D. B. Short, U. K. Mishra, and J. S. Speck, "Ge doping of β-Ga2O3 films grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Applied Physics Express, vol. 10, no. 4: IOP Publishing, pp. 041102, 2017.
Moser, N., J. McCandless, A. Crespo, K. Leedy, A. Green, A. Neal, S. Mou, E. Ahmadi, J. Speck, K. Chabak, et al., "Ge-Doped $${$$\backslash$beta$}$ $-Ga2O3 MOSFETs", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 38, no. 6: IEEE, pp. 775–778, 2017.
Sun, W., Z. Zhang, T. Mohsin, E. Farzana, B. McSkimming, C. Lee, P. Saunier, J. Speck, SA. Ringel, and AR. Arehart, GENERAL MODEL FOR IRRADIATION-INDUCED DEGRADATION OF GaN HEMTS, 2017.
Lee, C., C. Shen, C. Cozzan, R. M. Farrell, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, B. S. Ooi, and S. P. DenBaars, "Gigabit-per-second white light-based visible light communication using near-ultraviolet laser diode and red-, green-, and blue-emitting phosphors", Optics express, vol. 25, no. 15: Optical Society of America, pp. 17480–17487, 2017.
Oshima, Y., E. Ahmadi, S. Kaun, F. Wu, and J. S. Speck, "Growth and etching characteristics of (001) β-Ga2O3 by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 33, no. 1: IOP Publishing, pp. 015013, 2017.
Cramer, R. C., B. Bonef, J. English, C. E. Dreyer, C. G. Van de Walle, and J. S. Speck, "Growth of coherent BGaN films using BBr3 gas as a boron source in plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, vol. 35, no. 4: AVS, pp. 041509, 2017.
