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Cormier J, Pollock T.  2023.  Foreword: “Eurosuperalloys 2022”. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 54
Madison J, Spowart JE, Rowenhorst DJ, Aagesen LK, Thornton K, Pollock TM.  2012.  Fluid flow and defect formation in the three-dimensional dendritic structure of nickel-based single crystals. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43:369–380.
Suzuki A, DeNolf GC, Pollock TM.  2007.  Flow stress anomalies in $\gamma$/$\gamma$′ two-phase Co–Al–W-base alloys. Scripta Materialia. 56:385–388.
Bird JE, Pollock T, Srivastava SK.  1986.  Flow localization during plane strain punch stretching of a ferrite-austenite steel. Metallurgical Transactions A. 17:1537–1546.
Mottura A, Janotti A, Pollock TM.  2012.  A first-principles study of the effect of Ta on the superlattice intrinsic stacking fault energy of L1 2-Co 3 (Al, W). Intermetallics. 28:138–143.
Mottura A, Janotti A, Pollock T.  2012.  A First Principles Study of the Effect of Ti and Ta on the SFE of the registered' Phase of Co-based Superalloys. AIP Conference Proceedings.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Femtosecond pulsed laser damage characteristics of 7% Y2O3-ZrO2 thermal barrier coating. Applied Physics A. 91:421–428.
McDonald JP, Ma S, Pollock TM, Yalisove SM, Nees JA.  2008.  Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation dynamics and ablation morphology of nickel based superalloy CMSX-4. Journal of Applied Physics. 103:093111.
Pollock TM, Echlin MP, Mottura A.  2013.  Femtosecond Laser Tomography Using the TriBeam System. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19:698–699.
Balbus GH, Echlin MP, Grigorian CM, Rupert TJ, Pollock TM, Gianola DS.  2018.  Femtosecond laser rejuvenation of nanocrystalline metals. Acta Materialia. 156:183–195.
Feng Q, Picard YN, Liu H, Yalisove SM, Mourou G, Pollock TM.  2005.  Femtosecond laser micromachining of a single-crystal superalloy. Scripta materialia. 53:511–516.
Feng Q, Picard YN, McDonald JP, Van Rompay PA, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2006.  Femtosecond laser machining of single-crystal superalloys through thermal barrier coatings. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 430:203–207.
Das DK, Pollock TM.  2009.  Femtosecond laser machining of cooling holes in thermal barrier coated CMSX4 superalloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 209:5661–5668.
Echlin MP, Titus M, Lenthe WC, Straw M, Gumbsch P, Pollock TM, Fraunhofer IWM.  2016.  Femtosecond Laser Damage in Metals and Semiconductors During TriBeam Tomography. Microsc. Microanal. 22:3.
Ma S, McDonald JP, Tryon B, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2007.  Femtosecond laser ablation regimes in a single-crystal superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 38:2349–2357.
Jorgensen DJ, Titus MS, Pollock TM.  2015.  Femtosecond laser ablation and nanoparticle formation in intermetallic NiAl. Applied Surface Science. 353:700–707.
Pollock TM, LeSar R.  2013.  The feedback loop between theory, simulation and experiment for plasticity and property modeling. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 17:10–18.
Stinville JCharles, Martin E, Karadge M, Ismonov S, Soare M, Hanlon T, Sundaram S, Echlin MP, Callahan PG, Lenthe WC et al..  2018.  Fatigue deformation in a polycrystalline nickel base superalloy at intermediate and high temperature: Competing failure modes. Acta Materialia. 152:16–33.
Pollock TM, Bird JE, Srivastava SK.  1984.  Failure by shear during plane strain stretching of a duplex steel. TMS (The Metallurgical Society) Paper Selection;(USA). 56
