
Found 1586 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Zhao, L., AT. Chien, FF. Lange, and JS. Speck, "Defect Generation And Evolution In The Hydrothermal Growth Of Epitaxial BaTiO 3 Thin Films", MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, vol. 474: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
DenBaars, S. P., and J. S. Speck, Defect reduction in the growth of group III nitrides, 1997.
Zinck, JJ., EJ. Tarsa, B. Brar, and JS. Speck, "Desorption behavior of antimony multilayer passivation on GaAs (001)", Journal of applied physics, vol. 82, no. 12: AIP, pp. 6067–6072, 1997.
Derouin, TA., CDE. Lakeman, XH. Wu, JS. Speck, and FF. Lange, "Effect of lattice mismatch on the epitaxy of sol-gel LiNbO 3 thin films", Journal of materials research, vol. 12, no. 5: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1391–1400, 1997.
Schlom, DG., CB. Eom, ME. Hawley, CM. Foster, and JS. Speck, Epitaxial oxide thin films 3. Materials Research Society symposium proceedings Volume 474: Materials Research Society, Warrendale, PA (US), 1997.
Eom, C-B., C. Foster, ME. Hawley, D. Schlom, and JS. Speck, Epitaxial Oxide Thin Films III, vol. 474: Materials Research Society, 1997.
Tarsa, EJ., B. Heying, XH. Wu, P. Fini, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "Homoepitaxial growth of GaN under Ga-stable and N-stable conditions by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of applied physics, vol. 82, no. 11: AIP, pp. 5472–5479, 1997.
Chien, AT., JS. Speck, and FF. Lange, "Hydrothermal synthesis of heteroepitaxial Pb (Zr x Ti 1- x) O 3 thin films at 90–150∞ C", Journal of materials research, vol. 12, no. 5: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1176–1178, 1997.
Chien, AT., JH. Kim, YS. Yoon, JS. Speck, and FF. Lange, "HYDROTHERMAL SYNTHESIS OF Pb (Zrx, Ti 1-x) O 3 POWDERS AND HETEROEPITAXIAL THIN FILMS", Ceram. Trans, vol. 83, pp. 329, 1997.
Docter, DP., JJ. Brown, M. Hu, M. Matloubian, J. Speck, X. Wu, and DE. Grider, "InzAl1- zAs/InyGa1- yAs lattice constant engineered HEMTs on GaAs", Solid-State Electronics, vol. 41, no. 10: Pergamon, pp. 1629–1634, 1997.
Sung, T., G. Popovici, MA. Prelas, RG. Wilson, SK. Loyalka, T. Lou, G. Fan, B. Ding, Z. Hu, AT. Chien, et al., "JMR Abstracts", MRS BULLETIN, pp. 85, 1997.
DenBaars, SP., P. Kozodoy, S. Keller, MP. Mack, A. Abare, X. Wu, JS. Speck, and UK. Mishra, "MOCVD Growth of Group-III Nitrides for High Quality Photonic Devices", OPTOELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, vol. 2, pp. 48–49, 1997.
Srikant, V., JS. Speck, and DR. Clarke, "Mosaic structure in epitaxial thin films having large lattice mismatch", Journal of applied physics, vol. 82, no. 9: AIP, pp. 4286–4295, 1997.
Mishra, U. K., P. Parikh, P. Chavarkar, J. Yen, J. Champlain, B. Thibeault, H. Reese, S. Stone Shi, E. Hu, L. Zhu, et al., "Oxide based compound semiconductor electronics", Electron Devices Meeting, 1997. IEDM'97. Technical Digest., International: IEEE, pp. 545–548, 1997.
Eddy, MM., R. Hanson, MR. Rao, B. Zuck, JS. Speck, and EJ. Tarsa, "Oxide epitaxial lift-off (OELO)", MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, vol. 474: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Blank, H-R., H. Kroemer, S. Mathis, and JS. Speck, "Structural and electrical properties of low-temperature-grown Al (As, Sb)", Applied physics letters, vol. 71, no. 24: AIP, pp. 3534–3536, 1997.
Golan, Y., P. Fini, S. P. DenBaars, and J. S. Speck, "Substrate Surface Treatments and Controlled Contamination in GaN/Sapphire MOCVD", MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, vol. 482: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Beltz, GE., M. Chang, MA. Eardley, W. Pompe, AE. Romanov, and JS. Speck, "A theoretical model for threading dislocation reduction during selective area growth", Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 234: Elsevier, pp. 794–797, 1997.
Romanov, AE., W. Pompe, GE. Beltz, and JS. Speck, "An approach to threading dislocation ëëreaction kineticsíí", Applied physics letters, vol. 69, no. 22: AIP, pp. 3342–3344, 1996.
Sink, RK., S. Keller, BP. Keller, DI. Babić, AL. Holmes, D. Kapolnek, XH. Wu, JS. Speck, SP. DenBaars, and JE. Bowers, "Cleaved facets in GaN by wafer fusion of GaN to InP", MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, vol. 421: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Sink, RK., S. Keller, BP. Keller, D. I. Babić, AL. Holmes, D. Kapolnek, SP. DenBaars, JE. Bowers, XH. Wu, and JS. Speck, "Cleaved GaN facets by wafer fusion of GaN to InP", Applied physics letters, vol. 68, no. 15: AIP, pp. 2147–2149, 1996.
Zaremba, C. M., A. M. Belcher, M. Fritz, Y. Li, S. Mann, P. K. Hansma, D. E. Morse, J. S. Speck, and G. D. Stucky, "Critical transitions in the biofabrication of abalone shells and flat pearls", Chemistry of Materials, vol. 8, no. 3: American Chemical Society, pp. 679–690, 1996.
Allemann, JA., Y. Xia, RE. Morriss, AP. Wilkinson, H. Eckert, JS. Speck, CG. Levi, FF. Lange, and S. Anderson, "Crystallization behavior of Li 1–5x Ta 1+ x O 3 glasses synthesized from liquid precursors", Journal of materials research, vol. 11, no. 9: Cambridge University Press, pp. 2376–2387, 1996.
Wu, XH., LM. Brown, D. Kapolnek, S. Keller, B. Keller, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "Defect structure of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition-grown epitaxial (0001) GaN/Al2O3", Journal of applied physics, vol. 80, no. 6: AIP, pp. 3228–3237, 1996.
Wu, X. H., L. M. Brown, D. Kapolnek, S. Keller, B. Keller, S. DenBaars, and J. Speck, "Defect structure of metal‐organic chemical vapor deposition‐grown epitaxial (0001) GaN/Al2O3", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 80, pp. 3228 - 3237, 10, 1996.
