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Chen C-C, Lee D-J, Pollock T, Whitaker JF.  2008.  Terahertz characterization of interfacial oxide layers and voids for health monitoring of ceramic coatings. 2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.
White J, Fichter G, Chernovsky A, Whitaker JF, Das D, Pollock TM, Zimdars D.  2009.  TIME DOMAIN TERAHERTZ NON-DESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION OF AEROTURBINE BLADE THERMAL BARRIER COATINGS. REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. 1096:434–439.
White J, Fichter G, Chernovsky A, Zimdars DA, Whitaker JF, Das D, Pollock TM.  2008.  Time-domain terahertz mapping of thickness and degradation of aircraft turbine blade thermal barrier coatings. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. :CThN7.