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Li K, Pollock TM, De Graef M, Habel U, Thompson AW.  2001.  On the effect of low and high pressure hydrogen charging on the oxidation of a Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 318:224–234.
Berman TD, Donlon W, Decker R, Pollock TM, Jones JW.  2014.  Effect of Microstructure on Deformation and Fracture of Thixomolded and Thermomechanically Processed AZ61. Magnesium Technology 2014. :161–166.
Miller JD, Pollock TM.  2014.  The effect of processing conditions on heat transfer during directional solidification via the Bridgman and liquid metal cooling processes. Metallurgical and materials transactions A. 45:411–425.
Suzuki A, Saddock ND, Riester L, Lara-Curzio E, Jones JW, Pollock TM.  2007.  Effect of Sr additions on the microstructure and strength of a Mg-Al-Ca ternary alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 38:420–427.
Adharapurapu RR, Zhu J, Dheeradhada VS, Lipkin DM, Pollock TM.  2014.  Effective Hf-Pd Co-doped $\beta$-NiAl (Cr) coatings for single-crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 76:449–462.
Dary F-C, Woodard SA, Pollock TM.  1996.  Effects of environment on the tensile and creep behavior of a low-oxygen orthorhombic-based titanium aluminide, Ti-22 Al-23 Nb. Titanium'95- Science and technology. :396–403.
Dary F-C, Pollock TM.  1996.  Effects of high temperature air and vacuum exposures on the room temperature tensile behavior of the (O+ B2) titanium aluminide Ti-22Al-23Nb. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 208:188–202.
Goodlet BR, Mills L, Bales B, Charpagne M-agathe, Murray SP, Lenthe WC, Petzold L, Pollock TM.  2018.  Elastic Properties of Novel Co- and CoNi-Based Superalloys Determined through Bayesian Inference and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49A:2324–2339.
Norman J, Kennedy M.J., Selvidge J, Li Q, Wan Y, Liu AY, Callahan PG, Echlin MP, Pollock TM, Lau KMay et al..  2017.  Electrically pumped continuous wave quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on patterned, on-Axis (001) Si. Optics Express. 25:3927–3934.
Wang F, Echlin MP, Taylor AA, Shin J, Bammes B, Levin BDA, De Graef M, Pollock TM, Gianola DS.  2021.  Electron backscattered diffraction using a new monolithic direct detector: High resolution and fast acquisition. Ultramicroscopy. 220:113160.
Fährmann M, Fährmann E, Pollock TM, Johnson WC.  1997.  Element partitioning during coarsening of ($\gamma$- $\gamma$′) Ni-Al-Mo alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 28:1943–1945.
Faehrmann M, Faehrmann E, Pollock TM, Johnson WC.  1997.  Element partitioning during coarsening of ($\{$gamma$\}$$\{$minus$\}$$\{$gamma$\}$$\{$prime$\}$) Ni-Al-Mo alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 28
TerBush J, Chen O, Jones J, Pollock T.  2010.  Elemental partitioning and microstructure of Mg-Al-Ca-Sn quaternary alloys. TMS 2010: Aluminium and Magnesium (TMS 14 February 2010 to 18 February 2010). :1–5.
Carroll LJ, Feng Q, Mansfield JF, Pollock TM.  2007.  Elemental partitioning in Ru-containing nickel-base single crystal superalloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 457:292–299.
Van Sluytman JS, La Fontaine A, Cairney JM, Pollock TM.  2010.  Elemental partitioning of platinum group metal containing Ni-base superalloys using electron microprobe analysis and atom probe tomography. Acta Materialia. 58:1952–1962.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2003.  Elevated temperature deformation and dynamic strain aging in polycrystalline RuAl alloys. Intermetallics. 11:1029–1038.
Handwerker CA, Pollock TM.  2014.  Emerging science and research opportunities for metals and metallic nanostructures. Jom. 66:1321–1341.
Iyer M, Gavini V, Pollock TM.  2014.  Energetics and nucleation of point defects in aluminum under extreme tensile hydrostatic stresses. Physical Review B. 89:014108.
Nizolek T, Mara NA, Beyerlein IJ, Avallone JT, Pollock TM.  2015.  Enhanced plasticity via kinking in cubic metallic nanolaminates. Advanced Engineering Materials. 17:781–785.
Douglas JE, Birkel CS, Miao M-S, Torbet CJ, Stucky GD, Pollock TM, Seshadri R.  2012.  Enhanced thermoelectric properties of bulk TiNiSn via formation of a TiNi2Sn second phase. Applied Physics Letters. 101:183902.
Buffon MLC, Laurita G, Verma N, Lamontagne L, Ghadbeigi L, Lloyd DL, Sparks TD, Pollock TM, Seshadri R.  2016.  Enhancement of thermoelectric properties in the Nb–Co–Sn half-Heusler/Heusler system through spontaneous inclusion of a coherent second phase. Journal of Applied Physics. 120:075104.
Levin EE, Long F, Douglas JE, Buffon MLC, Lamontagne LK, Pollock TM, Seshadri R.  2018.  Enhancing thermoelectric properties through control of Nickel Interstitials and phase separation in Heusler/Half-Heusler TiNi1.1Sn composites. Materials. 11:1–12.
Shi X, Mahajan S, Pollock TM, Arunachalam VS.  1999.  Evolution of substructures in deformed NiAl single crystals oriented for single slip. Philosophical Magazine A. 79:1555–1566.
Pollock TM, Van der Ven A.  2019.  The evolving landscape for alloy design. MRS Bulletin. 44:238–246.
Pebley AC, Fuks PE, Pollock TM, Gordon MJ.  2016.  Exchange bias and spin glass behavior in biphasic NiFe 2 O 4/NiO thin films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
