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Polymer Side Chain Modification Alters Phase Separation in Ferroelectric-Semiconductor Polymer Blends for Organic Memory." ACS MACRO LETTERS 3 (2014): 1244-1248.
"Power Factor Enhancement in Solution-Processed Organic n-Type Thermoelectrics Through Molecular Design." ADVANCED MATERIALS 26 (2014): 3473-3477.
"Quadrites and Crossed-Chain Crystal Structures in Polymer Semiconductors." NANO LETTERS 14 (2014): 3096-3101.
"The Role of Solvent Additive Processing in High Performance Small Molecule Solar Cells." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 26 (2014): 6531-6541.
"Semiconducting polymers for thermoelectrics." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 247 (2014).
"Side-Chain Effects on the Conductivity, Morphology, and Thermoelectric Properties of Self-Doped Narrow-Band-Gap Conjugated Polyelectrolytes." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 136 (2014): 13478-13481.
"Solubility-Limited Extrinsic n-Type Doping of a High Electron Mobility Polymer for Thermoelectric Applications." ADVANCED MATERIALS 26 (2014): 2825-2830.
"Stability of Ionic Liquid-Gated Metal Oxides and Transistors." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 61 (2014): 1561-1566.
"Structural Characterization of a Composition Tolerant Bulk Heterojunction Blend." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 4 (2014): 1301886.
"THERMOELECTRIC POLYMERS Behind organics' thermopower." NATURE MATERIALS 13 (2014): 119-121.
"Thermoelectric properties of single wall carbon nanotube/conjugated polyelectrolytes composites." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 248 (2014).
"Topographic measurement of buried thin-film interfaces using a grazing resonant soft x-ray scattering technique." PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90 (2014): 245421.
"Tuning thermoelectric properties of conjugated polyelectrolytes via structural modifications." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 248 (2014).
"Crystal and Electronic Structures of Complex Bismuth Iodides A(3)Bi(2)I(9) (A = K, Rb, Cs) Related to Perovskite: Aiding the Rational Design of Photovoltaics." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27 (2015): 7137-7148.
"Crystalline Alloys of Organic Donors and Acceptors Based on TIPS-Pentacene." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 119 (2015): 20823-20832.
"The Density of States and the Transport Effective Mass in a Highly Oriented Semiconducting Polymer: Electronic Delocalization in 1D." ADVANCED MATERIALS 27 (2015): 7759-7765.
"Diselenogermole as a novel donor monomer for low band gap polymers." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 3 (2015): 1986-1994.
"Dual Function Additives: A Small Molecule Crosslinker for Enhanced Efficiency and Stability in Organic Solar Cells." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 5 (2015): 1401426.
"Electrical properties of doped conjugated polyelectrolytes with modulated density of the ionic functionalities." CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 51 (2015): 17607-17610.
"The electrochemical impact on electrostatic modulation of the metal-insulator transition in nickelates." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 106 (2015): 122102.
"Electronic structure and photovoltaic application of BiI3." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 107 (2015): 131109.
"Energy Transfer Directly to Bilayer Interfaces to Improve Exciton Collection in Organic Photovoltaics." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 119 (2015): 19011-19021.
"Halogenation of a Nonplanar Molecular Semiconductor to Tune Energy Levels and Bandgaps for Electron Transport." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27 (2015): 1892-1900.
"Impact of the Doping Method on Conductivity and Thermopower in Semiconducting Polythiophenes." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 5 (2015): 1401072.
"Investigation of Radical and Cationic Cross-Linking in High-Efficiency, Low Band Gap Solar Cell Polymers." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 5 (2015): 1401228.