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Fini, P., A. Munkholm, C. Thompson, GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, MV. Ramana Murty, O. Auciello, L. Zhao, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "In situ, real-time measurement of wing tilt during lateral epitaxial overgrowth of GaN", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 76, no. 26: AIP, pp. 3893–3895, 2000.
Munkholm, A., GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, O. Auciello, MV. Ramana Murty, C. Thompson, P. Fini, JS. Speck, and SP. DenBaars, "In situ studies of the effect of silicon on GaN growth modes", Journal of crystal growth, vol. 221, no. 1-4: North-Holland, pp. 98–105, 2000.
Munkholm, A., C. Thompson, MV. Ramana Murty, JA. Eastman, O. Auciello, GB. Stephenson, P. Fini, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "Layer-by-layer growth of GaN induced by silicon", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 77, no. 11: AIP, pp. 1626–1628, 2000.
Fini, P., L. Zhao, J. S. Speck, S. P. DenBaars, A. Munkholm, C. Thompson, GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, RMV. Murty, and O. Auciello, Measurement and minimization of wing tilt in laterally overgrown GaN on a SiO ${$sub 2$}$ mask.: Argonne National Lab., IL (US), 2000.
Murty, MV. Ramana, P. Fini, GB. Stephenson, C. Thompson, JA. Eastman, A. Munkholm, O. Auciello, R. Jothilingam, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "Step bunching on the vicinal GaN (0001) surface", Physical Review B, vol. 62, no. 16: APS, pp. R10661, 2000.
Munkholm, A., C. Thompson, GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, O. Auciello, P. Fini, JS. Speck, and SP. DenBaars, Transition between the 1 x 1 and (${$radical$}$ 3 x 2 ${$radical$}$ 3) R30 ${$degree$}$ surface structures of GaN in the vapor-phase environment: Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL (US), 2000.
Munkholm, A., C. Thompson, GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, O. Auciello, P. Fini, JS. Speck, and SP. DenBaars, "Transition between the 1$\times$ 1 and (3$\times$ 23) R30∞ surface structures of GaN in the vapor-phase environment", Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 283, no. 1-3: North-Holland, pp. 217–222, 2000.
Thompson, C., GB. Stephenson, JA. Eastman, A. Munkholm, O. Auciello, MV. Ramana Murty, P. Fini, SP. DenBaars, and JS. Speck, "Investigations of chemical vapor deposition of GaN using synchrotron radiation", Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 148, no. 5: The Electrochemical Society, pp. C390–C394, 2001.