Impact of Barrier Height on the Interwell Carrier Transport in InGaN/(In)GaN Multiple Quantum Wells

TitleImpact of Barrier Height on the Interwell Carrier Transport in InGaN/(In)GaN Multiple Quantum Wells
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMarcinkevičius, S., R. Yapparov, L. Y. Kuritzky, S. Nakamura, and J. S. Speck
Conference NameLaser Congress 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C)
PublisherOptical Society of America
KeywordsDiode lasers, Electric fields, Indium gallium nitride, light emitting diodes, Multiple quantum wells, Quantum wells

Interwell carrier transport, important for efficient LED and laser diode operation, was studied in InGaN multiple quantum wells by time-resolved photoluminescence. A strong increase in transport efficiency was achieved in structures in which GaN barriers were replaced with that of InGaN.