GaN High-Power Lasers for solid-state lighting

TitleGaN High-Power Lasers for solid-state lighting
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLheureux, G., S. Mehari, D. Cohen, P. Chan, H. Zhang, K. Hamdy, C. Reilly, R. Anderson, E. Zeitz, R. Seshadri, T. Margalith, C. Weisbuch, J. Speck, S. DenBaars, and S. Nakamura
Conference NameOSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2019 (IPR, Networks, NOMA, SPPCom, PVLED)
PublisherOptical Society of America
KeywordsDiode lasers, High power diode lasers, High power lasers, Optical design, Optical materials, Solid state lasers

We discuss the use of GaN high-power laser diode in general lighting applications. After reviewing the laser diode achievements; the phosphors materials, the optical design and the possible performances of these devices are discussed.
