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Gate bias stress effects due to polymer gate dielectrics in organic thin-film transistors." JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 103 (2008): 044506.
"Growth-Controlled Broad Emission in Phase-Pure Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskite Films." Chemistry of Materials (2021).
"Multiwavelength Photodetectors Based on an Azobenzene Polymeric Ionic Liquid." ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2021).
"Polarized X-ray scattering reveals non-crystalline orientational ordering in organic films." NATURE MATERIALS 11 (2012): 536-543.
"Polymer transistor display backplanes: High performance inkjet printed devices." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 229 (2005): U1128.
"Polymer transistor display backplanes: High performance inkjet printed devices." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 229 (2005): U1128.
"Polymer-Fullerene Miscibility: A Metric for Screening New Materials for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 134 (2012): 15869-15879.
"Printing methods and materials for large-area electronic devices." PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 93 (2005): 1491-1499.
"Printing methods and materials for large-area electronic devices." PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 93 (2005): 1491-1499.
"Prototyping of microfluidic devices in poly(dimethylsiloxane) using solid-object printing." ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 74 (2002): 1537-1545.
"Role of crystallinity of non-fullerene acceptors in bulk heterojunctions." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 3 (2015): 9989-9998.
"Role of Solution Structure in Self-Assembly of Conjugated Block Copolymer Thin Films." MACROMOLECULES 49 (2016): 8187-8197.
"Simulation-guided analysis of resonant soft X-ray scattering for determining the microstructure of triblock copolymers." Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (2022).
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-octeneoxybenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 1444-1447.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-vinylbenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 888-891.
"Super-Soft Solvent-Free Bottlebrush Elastomers for Touch Sensing." Materials Horizons 7, no. 1 (2020): 181-187.
"Syn and Anti Isomers of [2.2]Paracyclonapthane." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 904-908.
"Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Low-Bandgap Oligothiophene-[all]-S,S-dioxides-Based Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 49 (2011): 1933-1941.
"Synthesis, solid-state, and charge-transport properties of conjugated polythiophene-S,S-dioxides." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 51 (2013): 48-56.
"Synthesis, solid-state, and charge-transport properties of conjugated polythiophene-S,S-dioxides." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 51 (2013): 48-56.
"Topographic measurement of buried thin-film interfaces using a grazing resonant soft x-ray scattering technique." PHYSICAL REVIEW B 90 (2014): 245421.