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"On the optical polarization properties of semipolar ( 20 2 ¯ 1 ) and ( 20 2 ¯ 1 ¯) InGaN/GaN quantum wells", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 123, no. 8: AIP Publishing, pp. 085705, 2018.
, "High wall-plug efficiency blue III-nitride LEDs designed for low current density operation", Optics express, vol. 25, no. 24: Optical Society of America, pp. 30696–30707, 2017.
, "Using tunnel junctions to grow monolithically integrated optically pumped semipolar III-nitride yellow quantum wells on top of electrically injected blue quantum wells", Optics express, vol. 25, no. 4: Optical Society of America, pp. 3841–3849, 2017.
, "Designing optically pumped InGaN quantum wells with long wavelength emission for a phosphor-free device with polarized white-light emission", Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices XI, vol. 9748: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 97481Z, 2016.