
Found 33 results
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McCarthy, L., Y. Smorchkova, P. Fini, H. Xing, M. Rodwell, J. Speck, S. DenBaars, and U. Mishra, "HBT on LEO GaN", Device Research Conference, 2000. Conference Digest. 58th DRC: IEEE, pp. 85–86, 2000.
Petroff, PM., W. Schoenfeld, C. Metzner, B. Gerardot, H. Lee, J. Johnson, and J. Speck, "Self-assembled quantum dot lattices and spectroscopy of single quantum dot molecules.", ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 220: AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, pp. U233–U233, 2000.
York, B., A. Nagra, and J. Speck, "Thin-film ferroelectrics: Deposition methods and applications", International Microwave Symposium in Boston, MA, vol. 37, 2000.
Docter, DP., JJ. Brown, M. Hu, M. Matloubian, J. Speck, X. Wu, and DE. Grider, "InzAl1- zAs/InyGa1- yAs lattice constant engineered HEMTs on GaAs", Solid-State Electronics, vol. 41, no. 10: Pergamon, pp. 1629–1634, 1997.
Steinbeck, J., G. Braunstein, J. Speck, MS. Dresselhaus, CY. Huang, AM. Malvezzi, and N. Bloembergen, "Analysis of picosecond pulsed laser melted graphite", MRS Online Proceedings Library Archive, vol. 74: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
