Single-Event Burnout in Vertical Beta-Ga2O3 Diodes with Pt/PtOx Schottky Contacts and High-k Field-Plate Dielectrics

TitleSingle-Event Burnout in Vertical Beta-Ga2O3 Diodes with Pt/PtOx Schottky Contacts and High-k Field-Plate Dielectrics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsIslam, S., AS. Senarath, E. Farzana, DR. Ball, A. Sengupta, NS. Hendricks, A. Bhattacharyya, RA. Reed, EX. Zhang, JS. Speck, DM. Fleetwood, and RD. Schrimpf
JournalIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science