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Titus MS, Suzuki A, Pollock TM.  2012.  Creep and directional coarsening in single crystals of new $\gamma$–$\gamma$′ cobalt-base alloys. Scripta Materialia. 66:574–577.
Suzuki A, Gigliotti MFX, Hazel BT, Konitzer DG, Pollock TM.  2010.  Crack progression during sustained-peak low-cycle fatigue in single-crystal Ni-base superalloy René N5. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:947–956.
Cervellon A, Torbet C, Pollock T.  2021.  Crack initiation anisotropy of Ni-based SX superalloys in the very high cycle fatigue regime. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 825:141920.
Polonsky A, Echlin M, Lenthe W, Dehoff R, Kirka M., Pollock T.  2021.  Corrigendum to “Defects and 3D structural inhomogeneity in electron beam additively manufactured Inconel 718” [Materials Characterization 143 (2018) 171–181]. Materials Characterization. 176:111069.
Strub F, Charpagne M-agathe, Pollock TM.  2019.  Correction of Electron Back-scattered Diffraction datasets using an evolutionary algorithm. arXiv. :1–10.
Latypov MI, Charpagne MAgathe, Souther M, Goodlet BR, Echlin MP, Beyerlein IJ, Pollock TM.  2019.  Computational homogenization for multiscale forward modeling of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of heterogeneous materials. Materials Characterization. 158:109945.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2006.  Compression Creep Behavior of B2 AL-Ni-Ru Ternary Alloys. MRS Proceedings. 980:0980–II01.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2007.  COMPRESSION CREEP BEHAVIOR OF B 2 AL-NI-RU TERNARY ALLOYS. Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys(MRS Symposium Proceedings Series Volume 980). 980:45–50.
Stinville JCharles, Martin E, Karadge M, Ismonov S, Soare M, Hanlon T, Sundaram S, Echlin MLLP, Callahan PG, Lenthe WC et al..  2018.  Competing Modes for Crack Initiation from Non-metallic Inclusions and Intrinsic Microstructural Features During Fatigue in a Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 49:3865–3873.
Mercer C, Kawagishi K, Tomimatsu T, Hovis D, Pollock TM.  2011.  A comparative investigation of oxide formation on EQ (Equilibrium) and NiCoCrAlY bond coats under stepped thermal cycling. Surface and Coatings Technology. 205:3066–3072.
TerBush J, Jones J, Pollock T.  2008.  A comparative examination of aging and creep behavior of die-cast MRI230D and AXJ530. Symposium on Magnesium Technology 2008 (TMS 9 March 2008 to 13 March 2008). :117–122.
Pollock TM, Lu DC, Shi X, Eow K.  2001.  A comparative analysis of low temperature deformation in B2 aluminides. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 317:241–248.
Stinville JC, Lenthe WC, Miao J, Pollock TM.  2016.  A combined grain scale elastic–plastic criterion for identification of fatigue crack initiation sites in a twin containing polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy. Acta Materialia. 103:461–473.
Adharapurapu RR, Zhu J, Dheeradhada VS, Lipkin DM, Pollock TM.  2014.  A combinatorial investigation of palladium and platinum additions to $\beta$-NiAl overlay coatings. Acta Materialia. 77:379–393.
Polonsky AT, Pollock TM.  2020.  Closing the science gap in 3D metal printing. Science. 368:583–584.
Adharapurapu RR, Kumar D, Zhu J, Torbet CJ, Was GS, Pollock TM.  2011.  Chromia-Assisted Decarburization of W-Rich Ni-Based Alloys in Impure Helium at 1273 K (1000° C). Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42:1229–1244.
Rishel LL, Biery NE, Raban R, Gandelsman VZ, Pollock TM, Cramb AW.  1998.  Cast structure and property variability in gamma titanium aluminides. Intermetallics. 6:629–636.
Gilchrist A, Pollock TM.  2001.  Cast gamma titanium aluminides for low pressure turbine blades: a design case study for intermetallics. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, Structural Intermetallics 2001(USA),. :3–12.
Adharapurapu RR, Kumar D, Zhu J, Pollock TM.  2011.  Carburization of W-and Re-rich Ni-based alloys in impure helium at 1000° C. Corrosion Science. 53:388–398.
Tin S, Pollock T, Murphy W.  2000.  Carbides and grain defect formation in directionally solidified nickel-base superalloys. Advanced Technologies for Superalloy Affordability as held at the 2000 TMS Annual Meeting. :2000.
