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J.E. Cochran, E. Amir, Kulandaivelu Sivanandan, S.Y. Ku, Jung Hwa Seo, B.A. Collins, John R. Tumbleston, M.F. Toney, H. Ade, C.J. Hawker et al. "Synthesis, solid-state, and charge-transport properties of conjugated polythiophene-S,S-dioxides." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 51 (2013): 48-56.
E. Amir, Kulandaivelu Sivanandan, J.E. Cochran, John J. Cowart, S.Y. Ku, Jung Hwa Seo, M.L. Chabinyc, and C.J. Hawker. "Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Low-Bandgap Oligothiophene-[all]-S,S-dioxides-Based Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 49 (2011): 1933-1941.
J.B. Sherman, C.Y. Chiu, R. Fagenson, G. Wu, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Suppressing crystallization in solution-processed thin films of organic semiconductors." MRS COMMUNICATIONS 5 (2015): 447-452.
S.Y. Ku, N.D. Treat, M.A. Brady, J.E. Cochran, M.L. Chabinyc, and C.J. Hawker. "Stille-coupling polymerization toward rod-rod conjugated block copolymer." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 243 (2012).
S.Y. Ku, C.D. Liman, J.E. Cochran, M.F. Toney, M.L. Chabinyc, and C.J. Hawker. "Solution-Processed Nanostructured Benzoporphyrin with Polycarbonate Binder for Photovoltaics." ADVANCED MATERIALS 23 (2011): 2289+.
R.A. Schlitz, F.G. Brunetti, A.M. Glaudell, Levi P. Miller, M.A. Brady, C.J. Takacs, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Solubility-Limited Extrinsic n-Type Doping of a High Electron Mobility Polymer for Thermoelectric Applications." ADVANCED MATERIALS 26 (2014): 2825-2830.
B.F. Hartmeier, M.A. Brady, N.D. Treat, M.J. Robb, T.E. Mates, A. Hexemer, C. Wang, C.J. Hawker, E.J. Kramer, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Significance of Miscibility in Multidonor Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells." JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 54 (2016): 237-246.
