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A new TriBeam system for three-dimensional multimodal materials analysis. Review of Scientific Instruments. 83:023701.
2012. Chromia-Assisted Decarburization of W-Rich Ni-Based Alloys in Impure Helium at 1273 K (1000° C). Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42:1229–1244.
2011. In situ characterization of fatigue damage evolution in a cast Al alloy via nonlinear ultrasonic measurements. Acta Materialia. 58:2143–2154.
2010. Nonlinear ultrasonics for in situ damage detection during high frequency fatigue. Journal of Applied Physics. 106:024904.
2009. In situ imaging of high cycle fatigue crack growth in single crystal nickel-base superalloys by synchrotron X-radiation. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 130:021008.
2008. Mapping single-crystal dendritic microstructure and defects in nickel-base superalloys with synchrotron radiation. Acta Materialia. 56:4715–4723.