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Godlewski LA, Su X, Pollock TM, Allison JE.  2013.  The effect of aging on the relaxation of residual stress in cast aluminum. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 44:4809–4818.
Pollock TM, LeSar R.  2013.  The feedback loop between theory, simulation and experiment for plasticity and property modeling. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 17:10–18.
Pollock TM, Echlin MP, Mottura A.  2013.  Femtosecond Laser Tomography Using the TriBeam System. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19:698–699.
Birkel CS, Douglas JE, Lettiere BR, Seward G, Verma N, Zhang Y, Pollock TM, Seshadri R, Stucky GD.  2013.  Improving the thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler TiNiSn through inclusion of a second full-Heusler phase: microwave preparation and spark plasma sintering of TiNi 1+ x Sn. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15:6990–6997.
Birkel CS, Douglas JE, Lettiere BR, Seward G, Zhang Y, Pollock TM, Seshadri R, Stucky GD.  2013.  Influence of Ni nanoparticle addition and spark plasma sintering on the TiNiSn–Ni system: structure, microstructure, and thermoelectric properties. Solid State Sciences. 26:16–22.
Allison J, Cowles B, DeLoach J, Pollock T, Spanos G.  2013.  Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Implementing ICME in the Aerospace, Automotive, and Maritime Industries. A Study Organized by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrendale, PA. 15086
Beyerlein IJ, Mara NA, Carpenter JS, Nizolek T, Mook WM, Wynn TA, McCabe RJ, Mayeur JR, Kang K, Zheng S et al..  2013.  Interface-driven microstructure development and ultra high strength of bulk nanostructured Cu-Nb multilayers fabricated by severe plastic deformation. Journal of materials research. 28:1799–1812.
Berman TD, Donlon W, Hung CK, Milligan P, Decker R, Pollock TM, Jones JW.  2013.  Microstructure Characterization of Weakly Textured and Fine Grained AZ61 Sheet. Magnesium Technology 2013. :113–118.
Lenaburg LA, Sciaky ES, Pollock TM.  2013.  Outcomes from research collaborations: What are they and how long do they take? MRS bulletin. 38:526–528.
Jackson RW, Lipkin DM, Pollock TM.  2013.  The oxidation and rumpling behavior of overlay B2 bond coats containing Pt, Pd, Cr and Hf. Surface and Coatings Technology. 221:13–21.
Miller VM, Pollock TM.  2013.  Recrystallization Behavior of a MgAlCa Alloy during Thermomechanical Processing and Subsequent Heat Treatment. Magnesium Technology 2013. :203–209.
Echlin MLP, Pollock TM.  2013.  A statistical sampling approach for measurement of fracture toughness parameters in a 4330 steel by 3-D femtosecond laser-based tomography. Acta Materialia. 61:5791–5799.
Adharapurapu RR, Zhu J, Dheeradhada VS, Lipkin DM, Pollock TM.  2014.  A combinatorial investigation of palladium and platinum additions to $\beta$-NiAl overlay coatings. Acta Materialia. 77:379–393.
Steuer S, Hervier Z, Thabart S, Castaing C, Pollock TM, Cormier J.  2014.  Creep behavior under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions of AM3 single crystal superalloy for different solutioning cooling rates. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 601:145–152.
Eggeler YM, Titus MS, Suzuki A, Pollock TM.  2014.  Creep deformation-induced antiphase boundaries in L1 2-containing single-crystal cobalt-base superalloys. Acta Materialia. 77:352–359.
Pollock TM, Jorgensen D, Jackson RW, He M, Suzuki A, Lipkin D.  2014.  Design constraints and higher temperature intermetallic bond coatings.
Berman TD, Donlon W, Decker R, Pollock TM, Jones JW.  2014.  Effect of Microstructure on Deformation and Fracture of Thixomolded and Thermomechanically Processed AZ61. Magnesium Technology 2014. :161–166.
Miller JD, Pollock TM.  2014.  The effect of processing conditions on heat transfer during directional solidification via the Bridgman and liquid metal cooling processes. Metallurgical and materials transactions A. 45:411–425.
Adharapurapu RR, Zhu J, Dheeradhada VS, Lipkin DM, Pollock TM.  2014.  Effective Hf-Pd Co-doped $\beta$-NiAl (Cr) coatings for single-crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 76:449–462.
Handwerker CA, Pollock TM.  2014.  Emerging science and research opportunities for metals and metallic nanostructures. Jom. 66:1321–1341.
Iyer M, Gavini V, Pollock TM.  2014.  Energetics and nucleation of point defects in aluminum under extreme tensile hydrostatic stresses. Physical Review B. 89:014108.
Zhu J, Titus MS, Pollock TM.  2014.  Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Co-rich region in the Co-Al-Ni-W quaternary system. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion. 35:595–611.
Rettberg LH, Pollock TM.  2014.  Localized recrystallization during creep in nickel-based superalloys GTD444 and René N5. Acta Materialia. 73:287–297.
Pebley AC, Peek A, Pollock TM, Gordon MJ.  2014.  Microplasma-Based Growth of Biphasic NiFe2O4/NiO Nanogranular Films for Exchange Bias Applications. Chemistry of Materials. 26:6026–6032.
Ardeljan M, Knezevic M, Nizolek T, Beyerlein IJ, Zheng SJ, Carpenter JS, McCabe RJ, Mara NA, Pollock TM.  2014.  A multi-scale model for texture development in Zr/Nb nanolayered composites processed by accumulative roll bonding. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 63:012170.
