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A new family of liquid and solid guanidine-based n-type dopants for solution-processed perovskite solar cells." Materials Chemistry Frontiers 4 (2020): 3616-3622.
"NEXAFS Spectroscopy Reveals the Molecular Orientation in Blade-Coated Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Containing Conjugated Polymer Thin Films." MACROMOLECULES 48 (2015): 6606-6616.
"Polarized X-ray scattering reveals non-crystalline orientational ordering in organic films." NATURE MATERIALS 11 (2012): 536-543.
"A practical field guide to thermoelectrics: Fundamentals, synthesis, and characterization." Applied Physics Reviews 5 (2018): 021303.
"Remarkable Order of a High-Performance Polymer." NANO LETTERS 13 (2013): 2522-2527.
"Robust Processing of Small-Molecule:Fullerene Organic Solar Cells via Use of Nucleating Agents." ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (2018): 1973-1980.
"Role of Disorder Induced by Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconducting Polymers." Chemistry of Materials 30 (2018): 2965-2972.
"Semiconducting Thienothiophene Copolymers: Design, Synthesis, Morphology, and Performance in Thin-Film Organic Transistors." ADVANCED MATERIALS 21 (2009): 1091-1109.
"Side-Chain Effects on the Conductivity, Morphology, and Thermoelectric Properties of Self-Doped Narrow-Band-Gap Conjugated Polyelectrolytes." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 136 (2014): 13478-13481.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-octeneoxybenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 1444-1447.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-octeneoxybenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 1444-1447.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-vinylbenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 888-891.
"Structure of Cholesteryl-4-vinylbenzoate." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 888-891.
"Suppressing crystallization in solution-processed thin films of organic semiconductors." MRS COMMUNICATIONS 5 (2015): 447-452.
"Syn and Anti Isomers of [2.2]Paracyclonapthane." ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS 51 (1995): 904-908.
"Temperature-Dependent Polarization in Field-Effect Transport and Photovoltaic Measurements of Methylammonium Lead Iodide." JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 6 (2015): 3565-3571.
"Tethered tertiary amines as solid-state n-type dopants for solution-processable organic semiconductors." CHEMICAL SCIENCE 7 (2016): 1914-1919.
"(TTF)Pb2I5: A Radical Cation-Stabilized Hybrid Lead Iodide with Synergistic Optoelectronic Signatures." CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 28 (2016): 3607-3611.
"Tuning of the elastic modulus of a soft polythiophene through molecular doping." Materials Horizons (2021).
"Tuning of the elastic modulus of a soft polythiophene through molecular doping." Materials Horizons 9 (2022).
"Tuning thermoelectric properties of conjugated polyelectrolytes via structural modifications." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 248 (2014).
"Varying the ionic functionalities of conjugated polyelectrolytes leads to both p- and n-type carbon nanotube composites for flexible thermoelectrics." ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 8 (2015): 2341-2346.