Nanomechanics and Deformation Mechanisms

We seek to understand the governing mechanisms for deformation in unique nanostructures that can withstand stresses at the theoretical upper limit of strength.  Nanoscale synthesis creates small volumes of materials and provides the high materials quality that allow for these mechanically extreme environments.  We have developed experimental routes for measuring the mechanical response of individual crystalline and amorphous nanowires in situ.

Our vision is to exploit these novel mechanisms to facilitate homogenous plastic flow in amorphous solids and thus develop strategies for circumventing the poor damage tolerance that has long plagued glasses as well as new processing approaches outside of the realm of traditional thermal treatments.


Daniel S. Gianola

Nanomechanical behavior and deformation mechanisms in ultra-strong materials.

Nicolò Maria della Ventura

Small scale mechanical testing and characterization of plastic deformation in metals.

Julia Puerstl

Phase transformations in refractory multi-principal element alloys investigated by in-situ small scale mechanical testing and electron microscopy. 

Hannah Howard

Linear defect phase transformations and their effect on mechanical properties.

Bailey Rhodes

Defect structures, mechanical properties, and magneto-structural coupling effects of intermetallic materials. 

Cole Forth

Magnetostructural coupling effects for plastic deformation of magnetic materials.

Florent Mignerot

Postdoctoral researcher, 2024

Ashley Roach

Ph.D. 2023