
Found 15 results
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Conference Paper
R. Hamilton, C. Bailey, Warren Duffy, M.J. Heeney, M. Shkunov, D. Sparrowe, S. Tierney, I. McCulloch, R.J. Kline, D.M. DeLongchamp et al. "The influence of molecular weight on the microstructure and thin film transistor characteristics of pBTTT polymers." In ORGANIC FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS V, edited by Z Bao and D.J. Gundlach. Vol. 6336. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) 6336. 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA: SPIE, 2006.
Journal Article
M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "COLL 450-Interfacial interactions of semiconducting polymers in thin film transistors." ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 234 (2007).
R.J. Kline, D.M. DeLongchamp, D.A. Fischer, E.K. Lin, L.J. Richter, M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, M.J. Heeney, and I. McCulloch. "Critical role of side-chain attachment density on the order and device performance of polythiophenes." MACROMOLECULES 40 (2007): 7960-7965.
Z. Fei, R.S. Ashraf, Y. Han, S. Wang, C.P. Yau, P.S. Tuladhar, T.D. Anthopoulos, M.L. Chabinyc, and M.J. Heeney. "Diselenogermole as a novel donor monomer for low band gap polymers." JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 3 (2015): 1986-1994.
M.L. Chabinyc, R.A. Lujan, F. Endicott, M.F. Toney, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "Effects of the surface roughness of plastic-compatible inorganic dielectrics on polymeric thin film transistors." APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (2007): 233508.
J.H. Bannock, N.D. Treat, M.L. Chabinyc, N. Stingelin, M.J. Heeney, and J.C. de Mello. "The influence of polymer purification on the efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene):fullerene organic solar cells." SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6 (2016): 23651.
C.P. Yau, S. Wang, N.D. Treat, Z. Fei, B.J.T. de Villers, M.L. Chabinyc, and M.J. Heeney. "Investigation of Radical and Cationic Cross-Linking in High-Efficiency, Low Band Gap Solar Cell Polymers." ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS 5 (2015): 1401228.
M.L. Chabinyc, A. Salleo, Y.L. Wu, P. Liu, B.S. Ong, M.J. Heeney, and I. McCulloch. "Lamination method for the study of interfaces in polymeric thin film transistors." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 126 (2004): 13928-13929.
I. McCulloch, M.J. Heeney, C. Bailey, K Genevicius, I Macdonald, M. Shkunov, D. Sparrowe, S. Tierney, R Wagner, WM Zhang et al. "Liquid-crystalline semiconducting polymers with high charge-carrier mobility." NATURE MATERIALS 5 (2006): 328-333.
N.D. Treat, Alessandro Varotto, C.J. Takacs, N.A. Batara, Mohammed Al-Hashimi, M.J. Heeney, A.J. Heeger, F. Wudl, C.J. Hawker, and M.L. Chabinyc. "Polymer-Fullerene Miscibility: A Metric for Screening New Materials for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 134 (2012): 15869-15879.
M.J. Heeney, W.M. Zhang, David J. Crouch, M.L. Chabinyc, Sergey Gordeyev, R. Hamilton, Simon J. Higgins, I. McCulloch, Peter J. Skabara, D. Sparrowe et al. "Regioregular poly(3-hexyl) selenophene: a low band gap organic hole transporting polymer." CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS (2007): 5061-5063.
I. McCulloch, M.J. Heeney, M.L. Chabinyc, D.M. DeLongchamp, R.J. Kline, Michael Coelle, Warren Duffy, D.A. Fischer, D.J. Gundlach, Behrong Hamadani et al. "Semiconducting Thienothiophene Copolymers: Design, Synthesis, Morphology, and Performance in Thin-Film Organic Transistors." ADVANCED MATERIALS 21 (2009): 1091-1109.
Brocorens, Patrick, Antoine Van Vooren, M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, M. Shkunov, M.J. Heeney, I. McCulloch, Jerome Cornil, and Roberto Lazzoroni. "Solid-State Supramolecular Organization of Polythiophene Chains Containing Thienothiophene Units." ADVANCED MATERIALS 21 (2009): 1193-1198.
J.E. Northrup, M.L. Chabinyc, R. Hamilton, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "Theoretical and experimental investigations of a polyalkylated-thieno[3,2-b]thiophene semiconductor." JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 104 (2008): 083705.
M.L. Chabinyc, M.F. Toney, R.J. Kline, I. McCulloch, and M.J. Heeney. "X-ray scattering study of thin films of poly(2,5-bis(3-alkylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene)." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 129 (2007): 3226-3237.