
2016 It's a Material World: Katie explaining ferrofluids at Brandon School.2015: Migrant Education Program: Eunhee helping with solar car workshop.2015: It's a Material World: Katie at Ellwood Elementary School teaching kids about the hydrophobic surfaces on the leaves of a Lotus plant.2014 It's a Material World: Eunhee at Foothill Elementary School teaching students about heat sensitive materials.2013 Summer Research Poster Session: Gustavo presenting his summer research. 2012 CEEM: Rachel Harris at her poster session with Michael.RISE: Sarah (8th grade) with her mentor Nancy Eisenmenger. Science Fair Project: Detection of Fingerprints by Vacuum Metal Deposition.Amalie and Veronica keeping it cool in the lab (2018 FLAM internship)Erin presents a poster on her summer research (2019 FLAM internship)Virtual project meeting (2020 FLAM internship)Virtual buckyball-building workshop with a local classroomVirtual acoustic levitation "see-think-wonder" workshop with a local classroom