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Cation Vacancies Enable Anion Redox in Li Cathodes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024): 20951-20962.
"Redox Mechanisms upon the Lithiation of Wadsley–Roth Phases." Inorganic Chemistry 63, no. 24 (2024).
"Chemical and structural factors affecting the stability of Wadsley–Roth block phases." Inorganic Chemistry 62 (2023): 17317-17332.
"Electrochemical Control of Magnetism on the Breathing Kagome Network of Li x ScMo3O8." Chemistry of Materials 35 (2023): 4945-4954.
"Inducing skyrmion flop transitions in Co 8 Zn 8 Mn 4 at room temperature." Physical Review Materials 7 (2023): 044401.
"Partitioning of Ca to metastable precipitates in a Mg-rare earth alloy." Materials Research Letters 11 (2023): 222-230.
"Redox Mechanisms, Structural Changes, and Electrochemistry of the Wadsley–Roth Li x TiNb2O7 Electrode Material." Chemistry of Materials 35 (2023): 9657-9668.
"Hysteresis in electrochemical systems." Battery Energy 1 (2022): 20210017.
"Metal–metal bonding as an electrode design principle in the low-strain cluster compound LiScMo3O8." Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (2022): 5841-5854.
"Metal–metal bonding as an electrode design principle in the low-strain cluster compound LiScMo3O8." Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (2022): 5841-5854.
"Potentiometric entropy and operando calorimetric measurements reveal fast charging mechanisms in PNb9O25." Journal of Power Sources 520 (2022): 230776.
"Potentiometric entropy and operando calorimetric measurements reveal fast charging mechanisms in PNb9O25." Journal of Power Sources 520 (2022): 230776.
"Thermodynamic analysis and interpretative guide to entropic potential measurements of lithium-ion battery electrodes." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022): 6096-6110.
"Electrochemical Oxidative Fluorination of an Oxide Perovskite." Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021): 5757-5768.
"Influence of plastic deformation on the magnetic properties of Heusler MnAu2Al." Physical Review Materials 5 (2021).
"Magnetoentropic mapping and computational modeling of cycloids and skyrmions in the lacunar spinels $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmS_8$ and $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmSe_8$." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 054410.
"Magnetoentropic mapping and computational modeling of cycloids and skyrmions in the lacunar spinels $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmS_8$ and $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmSe_8$." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 054410.
"Role of Electronic Structure in Li Ordering and Chemical Strain in the Fast Charging Wadsley–Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021): 7755-7766.
"Role of Electronic Structure in Li Ordering and Chemical Strain in the Fast Charging Wadsley–Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021): 7755-7766.
"Interfacial structure and strain accommodation in two-phase NbCo1.2Sn Heusler intermetallics." Physical Review Materials 4 (2020).
"Mapping skyrmion stability in uniaxial lacunar spinel magnets from first principles." Physical Review B 101 (2020).
"Multielectron, Cation and Anion Redox in Lithium-Rich Iron Sulfide Cathodes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, no. 14 (2020).
"NEXT Multielectron Redox and Insulator-to-Metal Transition upon Lithium Insertion in the Fast-Charging, Wadsley-Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020).
"NEXT Multielectron Redox and Insulator-to-Metal Transition upon Lithium Insertion in the Fast-Charging, Wadsley-Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020).
"Structural evolution and skyrmionic phase diagram of the lacunar spinel GaMo4Se8." Physical Review Materials 4 (2020).