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Cation Vacancies Enable Anion Redox in Li Cathodes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024): 20951-20962.
"Distinction between Intrinsic and X-ray-Induced Oxidized Oxygen States in Li-Rich 3d Layered Oxides and LiAlO2." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, no. 21 (2019).
"First-principles calculations of lithium ordering and phase stability on Li x NiO 2." Physical Review B 66 (2002): 064112.
"First-Principles Evidence for Stage Ordering in Li x CoO2." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 145 (1998): 2149-2155.
"First-principles investigation of phase stability in Li x CoO 2." Physical Review B 58 (1998): 2975.
"First-principles theory of ionic diffusion with nondilute carriers." Physical Review B 64 (2001): 184307.
"Fundamental insights about interlayer cation migration in Li-ion electrodes at high states of charge." Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2019).
"Integrated Computational Modeling of Water Side Corrosion in Zirconium Metal Clad Under Nominal LWR Operating Conditions." JOM 68 (2016): 2900-2911.
"Jahn-Teller mediated ordering in layered Li x M O 2 compounds." Physical Review B 63 (2001): 144107.
"Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
"Misfit-driven beta'''precipitate composition and morphology in Mg-Nd alloys." Acta Materialia 136 (2017).
"Misfit-driven beta'''precipitate composition and morphology in Mg-Nd alloys." Acta Materialia 136 (2017).
"Misfit-driven beta'''precipitate composition and morphology in Mg-Nd alloys." Acta Materialia 136 (2017).
"Partitioning of Ca to metastable precipitates in a Mg-rare earth alloy." Materials Research Letters 11 (2023): 222-230.
"Phase Evolution and Degradation Modes of R3̅m LixNi1–y–zCoyAlzO2 Electrodes Cycled Near Complete Delithiation." Chemistry of Materials (2018).
"PRISMS: An Integrated, Open-Source Framework for Accelerating Predictive Structural Materials Science." JOM (2018).
"Revisiting the charge compensation mechanisms in LiNi0.8Co0.2-yAlyO2 systems." Materials Horizons (2019).
"Role of crystal symmetry in the reversibility of stacking-sequence changes in layered intercalation electrodes." Nano Letters 17, no. 12 (2017).
"Tracking lithium transport and electrochemical reactions in nanoparticles." Nature communications 3 (2012): 1201.