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Vacancy mediated substitutional diffusion in binary crystalline solids." Progress in Materials Science 55 (2010): 61-105.
"Effect of surface energies and nano-particle size distribution on open circuit voltage of Li-electrodes." Electrochemistry Communications 11 (2009): 881-884.
"First-principles investigation of migration barriers and point defect complexes in B2–NiAl." Intermetallics 17 (2009): 319-329.
"The Role of Coherency Strains on Phase Stability in Li x FePO4: Needle Crystallites Minimize Coherency Strain and Overpotential." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156 (2009): A949-A957.
"The role of surface and interface energy on phase stability of nanosized insertion compounds." Advanced Materials 21 (2009): 2703-2709.
"Surface atomic order of compound III-V semiconductor alloys at finite temperature." Physical Review B 80 (2009): 125315.
"Atomic size mismatch strain induced surface reconstructions." Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008): 062104.
"Mechanical instabilities and structural phase transitions: The cubic to tetragonal transformation." Acta Materialia 56 (2008): 4226-4232.
"Nondilute diffusion from first principles: Li diffusion in Li x TiS 2." Physical Review B 78 (2008): 104306.
"Theory of grain boundary diffusion induced by the Kirkendall effect." Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008): 091908.
"First-principles investigation of metal-hydride phase stability: The Ti-H system." Physical Review B 76 (2007): 064207.
"Substitutional diffusion and Kirkendall effect in binary crystalline solids containing discrete vacancy sources and sinks." Acta Materialia 55 (2007): 6690-6704.
"Phase stability of nickel hydroxides and oxyhydroxides." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 153 (2006): A210-A215.
"Ab initio study of sodium ordering in Na 0.75 Co O 2 and its relation to Co 3+/ Co 4+ charge ordering." Physical Review B 72 (2005): 172103.
"First principles calculation of the interdiffusion coefficient in binary alloys." Physical review letters 94 (2005): 045901.
"Surface segregation and ordering of alloy surfaces in the presence of adsorbates." Physical Review B 72 (2005): 205409.
"Thermodynamics of spinel Li x TiO 2 from first principles." Chemical Physics 317 (2005): 130-136.
"Vacancies in ordered and disordered binary alloys treated with the cluster expansion." Physical Review B 71 (2005): 054102.
"Electrochemical modeling of intercalation processes with phase field models." Electrochimica Acta 49 (2004): 4691-4699.
"Lateral interactions between oxygen atoms adsorbed on platinum (111) by first principles." Molecular Physics 102 (2004): 273-279.
"Li conductivity in Li x MPO 4 (M= Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) olivine materials." Electrochemical and solid-state letters 7 (2004): A30-A32.
"Ordering in Li x (Ni 0.5 Mn 0.5) O 2 and its relation to charge capacity and electrochemical behavior in rechargeable lithium batteries." Electrochemistry communications 6 (2004): 1045-1050.
"Phase diagram of oxygen adsorbed on platinum (111) by first-principles investigation." Physical Review B 70 (2004): 045420.
"The thermodynamics of decohesion." Acta Materialia 52 (2004): 1223-1235.
"First-principles investigation of phase stability in the O2-LiCoO2 system." Chemistry of materials 15 (2003): 2651-2660.