
Found 214 results
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Journal Article
Zhang, Minghao, Daniil A. Kitchaev, Zachary Lebens-Higgins, Julija Vinckeviciute, Mateusz Zuba, Philip J. Reeves, Clare P. Grey, Stanley M Whittingham, Louis F. J. Piper, Anton Van der Ven et al. "Pushing the limit of 3 d transition metal-based layered oxides that use both cation and anion redox for energy storage." Nature Reviews Materials 7 (2022): 522-540.
Zhang, Minghao, Daniil A. Kitchaev, Zachary Lebens-Higgins, Julija Vinckeviciute, Mateusz Zuba, Philip J. Reeves, Clare P. Grey, Stanley M Whittingham, Louis F. J. Piper, Anton Van der Ven et al. "Pushing the limit of 3 d transition metal-based layered oxides that use both cation and anion redox for energy storage." Nature Reviews Materials 7 (2022): 522-540.
Thornton, Katsuyo, Liang Qi, Blas Pedro Uberuaga, and Anton Van der Ven. "Recent advances and future needs in computational approaches for materials discovery and development." MRS Communications 12 (2022): 989-990.
A. Van der Ven, Z. Deng, S. Banerjee, and S. P. Ong. "Rechargeable Alkali-Ion Battery Materials: Theory and Computation." Chemical Reviews 120, no. 14 (2020).
Goiri, Jon Gabriel, and Anton Van der Ven. "Recursive alloy Hamiltonian construction and its application to the Ni-Al-Cr system." Acta Materialia (2018).
Saber, Muna, Sesha Sai Behara, and Anton Van der Ven. "Redox Mechanisms, Structural Changes, and Electrochemistry of the Wadsley–Roth Li x TiNb2O7 Electrode Material." Chemistry of Materials 35 (2023): 9657-9668.
Saber, Muna, and Anton Van der Ven. "Redox Mechanisms upon the Lithiation of Wadsley–Roth Phases." Inorganic Chemistry 63, no. 24 (2024).
Gunda, N. S. Harsha, B. Puchala, and A. Van der Ven. "Resolving phase stability in the Ti-O binary with first-principles statistical mechanics methods." Physical Review Materials 2 (2018).
Lebens-Higgins, Z. W., N. V. Faenza, M. D. Radin, H. Liu, S. Sallis, J. Rana, J. Vinckeviciute, P. J. Reeves, M. J. Zuba, F. Badway et al. "Revisiting the charge compensation mechanisms in LiNi0.8Co0.2-yAlyO2 systems." Materials Horizons (2019).
Lebens-Higgins, Z. W., N. V. Faenza, M. D. Radin, H. Liu, S. Sallis, J. Rana, J. Vinckeviciute, P. J. Reeves, M. J. Zuba, F. Badway et al. "Revisiting the charge compensation mechanisms in LiNi0.8Co0.2-yAlyO2 systems." Materials Horizons (2019).
A. Van der Ven, K. Garikipati, S. Kim, and M. Wagemaker. "The Role of Coherency Strains on Phase Stability in Li x FePO4: Needle Crystallites Minimize Coherency Strain and Overpotential." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156 (2009): A949-A957.
Radin, Maxwell D., Judith Alvarado, Ying Shirley Meng, and Anton Van der Ven. "Role of crystal symmetry in the reversibility of stacking-sequence changes in layered intercalation electrodes." Nano Letters 17, no. 12 (2017).
Saber, Muna, Molleigh B. Preefer, Sanjeev K. Kolli, William Zhang, Geneva Laurita, Bruce Dunn, Ram Seshadri, and Anton Van der Ven. "Role of Electronic Structure in Li Ordering and Chemical Strain in the Fast Charging Wadsley–Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021): 7755-7766.
Goiri, J. G., S. K. Kolli, and A. Van der Ven. "Role of short- and long-range ordering on diffusion in Ni-Al alloys." Physical Review Materials 3 (2019).
M. Wagemaker, F.M. Mulder, and A. Van der Ven. "The role of surface and interface energy on phase stability of nanosized insertion compounds." Advanced Materials 21 (2009): 2703-2709.
R.K. Rhein, P.C. Dodge, M.H. Chen, M.S. Titus, T.M. Pollock, and A. Van der Ven. "Role of vibrational and configurational excitations in stabilizing the L 1 2 structure in Co-rich Co-Al-W alloys." Physical Review B 92 (2015): 174117.
Teichert, G. H., A. R. Natarajan, A. Van der Ven, and K. Garikipati. "Scale bridging materials physics: Active learning workflows and integrable deep neural networks for free energy function representations in alloys." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 371 (2020).
Feng, L., D. Lv, R. K. Rhein, J. G. Goiri, M. S. Titus, A. Van der Ven, T. M. Pollock, and Y. Wang. "Shearing of γ’ particles in Co-base and Co-Ni-base superalloys." Acta Materialia 161 (2018): 99-109.
M.D. Radin, and A. Van der Ven. "Simulating Charge, Spin, and Orbital Ordering: Application to Jahn–Teller Distortions in Layered Transition-Metal Oxides." Chemistry of Materials (2018).
H.C. Yu, A. Van der Ven, and K. Thornton. "Simulations of the Kirkendall-effect-induced deformation of thermodynamically ideal binary diffusion couples with general geometries." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (2012): 3481-3500.
Kolli, Sanjeev Krishna, Anirudh Raju Natarajan, and Anton Van der Ven. "Six new transformation pathways connecting simple crystal structures and common intermetallic crystal structures." Acta Materialia 221 (2021): 117429.
Van der Ven, Anton. "Solid electrolytes redefine ion conduction." Science 382 (2023): 513-514.
R.A. Enrique, and A. Van der Ven. "Solute embrittlement of SiC." Journal of Applied Physics 116 (2014): 113504.
M.S. Titus, R.K. Rhein, P.B. Wells, P.C. Dodge, G.B. Viswanathan, M.J. Mills, A. Van der Ven, and T.M. Pollock. "Solute segregation and deviation from bulk thermodynamics at nanoscale crystalline defects." Science Advances 2 (2016): e1601796.
M.S. Titus, R.K. Rhein, P.B. Wells, P.C. Dodge, G.B. Viswanathan, M.J. Mills, A. Van der Ven, and T.M. Pollock. "Solute segregation and deviation from bulk thermodynamics at nanoscale crystalline defects." Science Advances 2 (2016): e1601796.
