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Journal Article
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, X. Shi et al. "Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, X. Shi et al. "Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, X. Shi et al. "Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, X. Shi et al. "Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
Zuo, Julia L., Daniil Kitchaev, Emily C. Schueller, Joshua D. Bocarsly, Ram Seshadri, Anton Van der Ven, and Stephen D. Wilson. "Magnetoentropic mapping and computational modeling of cycloids and skyrmions in the lacunar spinels $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmS_8$ and $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmSe_8$." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 054410.
Zuo, Julia L., Daniil Kitchaev, Emily C. Schueller, Joshua D. Bocarsly, Ram Seshadri, Anton Van der Ven, and Stephen D. Wilson. "Magnetoentropic mapping and computational modeling of cycloids and skyrmions in the lacunar spinels $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmS_8$ and $\mathrmGaV_4\mathrmSe_8$." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 054410.
D.H. Fabini, J.G. Labram, A.J. Lehner, J.S. Bechtel, H.A. Evans, A. Van der Ven, F. Wudl, M.L. Chabinyc, and R. Seshadri. "Main-Group Halide Semiconductors Derived from Perovskite: Distinguishing Chemical, Structural, and Electronic Aspects." Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017): 11-25.
M.D. Radin, J. Vinckeviciute, R. Seshadri, and A. Van der Ven. "Manganese oxidation as the origin of the anomalous capacity of Mn-containing Li-excess cathode materials." Nature Energy (2019).
Kitchaev, D. A., E. C. Schueller, and A. Van der Ven. "Mapping skyrmion stability in uniaxial lacunar spinel magnets from first principles." Physical Review B 101 (2020).
Wyckoff, Kira E., Jonas L. Kaufman, Sun Woong Baek, Christian Dolle, Joshua J. Zak, Jadon Bienz, Linus Kautzsch, Rebecca C. Vincent, Arava Zohar, Kimberly A. See et al. "Metal–metal bonding as an electrode design principle in the low-strain cluster compound LiScMo3O8." Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (2022): 5841-5854.
Wyckoff, Kira E., Jonas L. Kaufman, Sun Woong Baek, Christian Dolle, Joshua J. Zak, Jadon Bienz, Linus Kautzsch, Rebecca C. Vincent, Arava Zohar, Kimberly A. See et al. "Metal–metal bonding as an electrode design principle in the low-strain cluster compound LiScMo3O8." Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (2022): 5841-5854.
DeWitt, Stephen, Ellen L. S. Solomon, Anirudh Raju Natarajan, Vicente Araullo-Peters, Shiva Rudraraju, Larry K. Aagesen, Brian Puchala, Emmanuelle A. Marquis, Anton Van der Ven, Katsuyo Thornton et al. "Misfit-driven beta'''precipitate composition and morphology in Mg-Nd alloys." Acta Materialia 136 (2017).
E. Decolvenaere, E. Levin, R. Seshadri, and A. Van der Ven. "Modeling magnetic evoluton and exchange hardening in disordered magnets: The example of Mn1-xFexRu2Sn Heusler alloys." Physical Review Materials 3 (2019).
Hansen, C. J., J. J. Zak, A. J. Martinolich, J. S. Ko, N. H. Bashian, F. Kaboudvand, A. Van der Ven, B. C. Melot, J. N. Weker, and K. A. See. "Multielectron, Cation and Anion Redox in Lithium-Rich Iron Sulfide Cathodes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, no. 14 (2020).
Radin, Maxwell D., Sunny Hy, Mahsa Sina, Chengcheng Fang, Haodong Liu, Julija Vinckeviciute, Minghao Zhang, Stanley M Whittingham, Shirley Y Meng, and Anton Van der Ven. "Narrowing the Gap between Theoretical and Practical Capacities in Li-Ion Layered Oxide Cathode Materials." Advanced Energy Materials (2017).
Preefer, M. B., M. Saber, Q. Wei, N. H. Bashian, J. D. Bocarsly, W. Zhang, G. Lee, J. Milam-Guerrero, E. S. Howard, R. C. Vincent et al. "NEXT Multielectron Redox and Insulator-to-Metal Transition upon Lithium Insertion in the Fast-Charging, Wadsley-Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020).
Preefer, M. B., M. Saber, Q. Wei, N. H. Bashian, J. D. Bocarsly, W. Zhang, G. Lee, J. Milam-Guerrero, E. S. Howard, R. C. Vincent et al. "NEXT Multielectron Redox and Insulator-to-Metal Transition upon Lithium Insertion in the Fast-Charging, Wadsley-Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020).
A. Van der Ven, J.C. Thomas, Q. Xu, B. Swoboda, and D. Morgan. "Nondilute diffusion from first principles: Li diffusion in Li x TiS 2." Physical Review B 78 (2008): 104306.
Shi, Qianying, Anirudh Raju Natarajan, Anton Van der Ven, and John Allison. "Partitioning of Ca to metastable precipitates in a Mg-rare earth alloy." Materials Research Letters 11 (2023): 222-230.
Baek, Sun Woong, Molleigh B. Preefer, Muna Saber, Kuan Zhai, Matevž Frajnkovič, Yucheng Zhou, Bruce S. Dunn, Anton Van der Ven, Ram Seshadri, and Laurent Pilon. "Potentiometric entropy and operando calorimetric measurements reveal fast charging mechanisms in PNb9O25." Journal of Power Sources 520 (2022): 230776.
Baek, Sun Woong, Molleigh B. Preefer, Muna Saber, Kuan Zhai, Matevž Frajnkovič, Yucheng Zhou, Bruce S. Dunn, Anton Van der Ven, Ram Seshadri, and Laurent Pilon. "Potentiometric entropy and operando calorimetric measurements reveal fast charging mechanisms in PNb9O25." Journal of Power Sources 520 (2022): 230776.
Saber, Muna, Sesha Sai Behara, and Anton Van der Ven. "Redox Mechanisms, Structural Changes, and Electrochemistry of the Wadsley–Roth Li x TiNb2O7 Electrode Material." Chemistry of Materials 35 (2023): 9657-9668.
Saber, Muna, and Anton Van der Ven. "Redox Mechanisms upon the Lithiation of Wadsley–Roth Phases." Inorganic Chemistry 63, no. 24 (2024).
Lebens-Higgins, Z. W., N. V. Faenza, M. D. Radin, H. Liu, S. Sallis, J. Rana, J. Vinckeviciute, P. J. Reeves, M. J. Zuba, F. Badway et al. "Revisiting the charge compensation mechanisms in LiNi0.8Co0.2-yAlyO2 systems." Materials Horizons (2019).
Saber, Muna, Molleigh B. Preefer, Sanjeev K. Kolli, William Zhang, Geneva Laurita, Bruce Dunn, Ram Seshadri, and Anton Van der Ven. "Role of Electronic Structure in Li Ordering and Chemical Strain in the Fast Charging Wadsley–Roth Phase PNb9O25." Chemistry of Materials 33 (2021): 7755-7766.
