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A two-step oxidation mechanism controlled by Mn migration explains the first-cycle activation behavior of Li2MnO3-based Li-excess materials." Chemistry of Materials (2021).
"Traction curves for the decohesion of covalent crystals." Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017): 021910.
"Tracking lithium transport and electrochemical reactions in nanoparticles." Nature communications 3 (2012): 1201.
"Toward an understanding of deformation mechanisms in metallic lithium and sodium from first principles." Chemistry of Materials (2019).
"Ti-and Zr-based metal-air batteries." Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013): 400-404.
"Three-dimensional isogeometric solutions to general boundary value problems of Toupin’s gradient elasticity theory at finite strains." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278 (2014): 705-728.
"Thermodynamics of the Zr-O system from first-principles calculations." Physical Review B 88 (2013): 094108.
"Thermodynamics of spinel Li x TiO 2 from first principles." Chemical Physics 317 (2005): 130-136.
"Thermodynamics of lithium in TiO2 (B) from first principles." Chemistry of Materials 24 (2012): 1568-1574.
"The thermodynamics of decohesion." Acta Materialia 52 (2004): 1223-1235.
"Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the Li-graphite system from first-principles calculations." physical Review B 82 (2010): 125416.
"Theory of grain boundary diffusion induced by the Kirkendall effect." Applied Physics Letters 93 (2008): 091908.
"Testing predictions from density functional theory at finite temperatures: β 2-like ground states in Co-Pt." Physical Review B 92 (2015): 085119.