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Van der Ven, Anton, Kimberly A. See, and Laurent Pilon. "Hysteresis in electrochemical systems." Battery Energy 1 (2022): 20210017.
N.M. Trease, I.D. Seymour, M.D. Radin, Haodong Liu, Hao Liu, S. Hy, N. Chernova, P. Parikh, A. Devaraj, K.M. Wiaderek et al. "Identifying the Distribution of Al3+ in LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2." Chemistry of Materials 28 (2016): 8170-8180.
Van der Ven, A, and G Ceder. "Impurity-induced van der Waals transition during decohesion." Physical Review B 67 (2003): 060101.
Meynell, Simon A., Yolita M. Eggeler, Joshua D. Bocarsly, Daniil A. Kitchaev, Bailey E. Rhodes, Tresa M. Pollock, Stephen D. Wilson, Anton Van der Ven, Ram Seshadri, Marc De Graef et al. "Inducing skyrmion flop transitions in Co 8 Zn 8 Mn 4 at room temperature." Physical Review Materials 7 (2023): 044401.
Levin, E. E., D. A. Kitchaev, Y. M. Eggeler, J. A. Mayer, P. Behera, D. S. Gianola, A. Van der Ven, T. M. Pollock, and R. Seshadri. "Influence of plastic deformation on the magnetic properties of Heusler MnAu2Al." Physical Review Materials 5 (2021).
A. Aryanfar, J.C. Thomas, A. Van der Ven, D. Xu, M. Youssef, J. Yang, B. Yildiz, and J. Marian. "Integrated Computational Modeling of Water Side Corrosion in Zirconium Metal Clad Under Nominal LWR Operating Conditions." JOM 68 (2016): 2900-2911.
Eggeler, Y. M., E. E. Levin, F. Wang, D. A. Kitchaev, A. Van der Ven, R. Seshadri, T. M. Pollock, and D. S. Gianola. "Interfacial structure and strain accommodation in two-phase NbCo1.2Sn Heusler intermetallics." Physical Review Materials 4 (2020).
Gunda, N. S. Harsha, Carlos G. Levi, and Anton Van der Ven. "Investigating the electronic origins of the repulsion between substitutional and interstitial solutes in hcp Ti." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 073604.
J. Liu, D. Chang, P. Whitfield, Y. Janssen, X. Yu, Y. Zhou, J. Bai, J. Ko, K.W. Nam, L. Wu et al. "Ionic conduction in cubic Na3TiP3O9N, a secondary Na-ion battery cathode with extremely low volume change." Chemistry of Materials 26 (2014): 3295-3305.
Arroyo y de Dompablo, ME, C Marianetti, A Van der Ven, and G Ceder. "Jahn-Teller mediated ordering in layered Li x M O 2 compounds." Physical Review B 63 (2001): 144107.
B. Li, M.B. Katz, Y. Duan, X. Du, K. Zhang, L. Chen, A. Van der Ven, G.W. Graham, and X. Pan. "A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study of Phase Equilibria and Evolution in Pt-Doped Calcium Titanate under Redox Conditions." Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015): 18-28.
A.A. Belak, Y. Wang, and A. Van der Ven. "Kinetics of anatase electrodes: the role of ordering, anisotropy, and shape memory effects." Chemistry of Materials 24 (2012): 2894-2898.
Tang, Hairong, Anton Van der Ven, and Bernhardt L. Trout. "Lateral interactions between oxygen atoms adsorbed on platinum (111) by first principles." Molecular Physics 102 (2004): 273-279.
Reed, J, G Ceder, and A Van der Ven. "Layered-to-Spinel Phase Transition in Li x MnO2." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 4 (2001): A78-A81.
D. Morgan, A. Van der Ven, and G. Ceder. "Li conductivity in Li x MPO 4 (M= Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) olivine materials." Electrochemical and solid-state letters 7 (2004): A30-A32.
D. Chang, and A. Van der Ven. "Li intercalation mechanisms in CaTi 5 O 11, a bronze-B derived compound." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016): 32042-32049.
Natarajan, A. R., and A. Van der Ven. "Linking electronic structure calculations to generalized stacking fault energies in multicomponent alloys." NPJ Computational Materials 6 (2020): 80.
A. Van der Ven, J.C. Thomas, Q. Xu, and J. Bhattacharya. "Linking the electronic structure of solids to their thermodynamic and kinetic properties." Mathematics and computers in simulation 80 (2010): 1393-1410.
K. Persson, V.A. Sethuraman, L.J. Hardwick, Y. Hinuma, Y.S. Meng, A. Van der Ven, V. Srinivasan, R. Kostecki, and G. Ceder. "Lithium diffusion in graphitic carbon." The journal of physical chemistry letters 1 (2010): 1176-1180.
Van der Ven, A, and G Ceder. "Lithium diffusion in layered Li x CoO2." Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 3 (2000): 301-304.
A. Van der Ven, and G. Ceder. "Lithium diffusion mechanisms in layered intercalation compounds." Journal of power sources 97 (2001): 529-531.
H. Chi, H. Kim, J.C. Thomas, G. Shi, K. Sun, M. Abeykoon, E.S. Bozin, X. Shi, Q. Li, X. Shi et al. "Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
Teichert, G. H., A. R. Natarajan, A. Van der Ven, and K. Garikipati. "Machine learning materials physics: Integrable deep neural networks enable scale bridging by learning free energy functions." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 353, no. 15 (2019).
Thomas, J. C., J. S. Bechtel, A. R. Natarajan, and A. Van der Ven. "Machine learning the density functional theory potential energy surface for the inorganic halide perovskite CsPbBr3." Physical Review B 100 (2019).
Natarajan, A. R., and A. Van der Ven. "Machine-learning the configurational energy of multicomponent crystalline solids." npj Computational Materials 4 (2018).
