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Kaboudvand, F., J. Vinckeviciute, S. K. Kolli, M. D. Radin, and A. Van der Ven. "Phase stability and electronic structure of tin sulfide compounds for Li-ion batteries." Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019).
Kaufman, Jonas L., and Anton Van der Ven. "Antiphase boundary migration as a diffusion mechanism in a P3 sodium layered oxide." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 055401.
Kaufman, J. L., J. Vinckeviciute, S. Kolli, J. G. Goiri, and A. Van der Ven. "Understanding intercalation compounds for sodium-ion batteries and beyond." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377, no. 2152 (2019).
Kaufman, Jonas L., and Anton Van der Ven. "NaxCoO2 phase stability and hierarchical orderings in the O3/P3 structure family." Physical Review Materials 3 (2019).
Kaufman, J. L., and A. Van der Ven. "Ordering and Structural Transformations in Layered KxCrO2 for K-Ion Batteries." Chemistry of Materials 32, no. 15 (2020).
Kaufman, Jonas L., and Anton Van der Ven. "First-principles investigation of phase stability in layered Na x CrO 2." Physical Review Materials 6 (2022): 115401.
Kaufman, Jonas L., and Anton Van der Ven. "Cation Diffusion Facilitated by Antiphase Boundaries in Layered Intercalation Compounds." Chemistry of Materials 34 (2022): 1889-1896.
Kim, Seong Shik, Daniil A. Kitchaev, Eshaan S. Patheria, Colin T. Morrell, Michelle D. Qian, Jessica L. Andrews, Qizhang Yan, Shu-Ting Ko, Jian Luo, Brent C. Melot et al. "Cation Vacancies Enable Anion Redox in Li Cathodes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024): 20951-20962.
Kim, Sung Joo, Donghee Chang, Kui Zhang, George Graham, Anton Van der Ven, and Xiaoqing Pan. "Accordion Strain Accommodation Mechanism within the Epitaxially Constrained Electrode." ACS Energy Letters 3 (2018).
H. Kim, M. Kaviany, J.C. Thomas, A. Van der Ven, C. Uher, and B. Huang. "Structural order-disorder transitions and phonon conductivity of partially filled skutterudites." Physical review letters 105 (2010): 265901.
Kitchaev, D. A., E. C. Schueller, and A. Van der Ven. "Mapping skyrmion stability in uniaxial lacunar spinel magnets from first principles." Physical Review B 101 (2020).
Kitchaev, Daniil A., Irene J. Beyerlein, and Anton Van der Ven. "Phenomenology of chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in strained materials." Physical Review B 98 (2018).
