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Identifying the Distribution of Al3+ in LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2." Chemistry of Materials 28 (2016): 8170-8180.
"First-principles survey of the structure, formation energies, and transition levels of As-interstitial defects in InGaAs." Physical Review B 92 (2015): 045205.
"A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study of Phase Equilibria and Evolution in Pt-Doped Calcium Titanate under Redox Conditions." Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015): 18-28.
"Nonequilibrium pathways during electrochemical phase transformations in single crystals revealed by dynamic chemical imaging at nanoscale resolution." Advanced Energy Materials 5 (2015).
"Ab Initio Structure Search and in Situ 7Li NMR Studies of Discharge Products in the Li–S Battery System." Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014): 16368-16377.
"Designing the next generation high capacity battery electrodes." Energy & Environmental Science 7 (2014): 1760-1768.
"Ionic conduction in cubic Na3TiP3O9N, a secondary Na-ion battery cathode with extremely low volume change." Chemistry of Materials 26 (2014): 3295-3305.
"Low-temperature structural and transport anomalies in Cu 2 Se." Physical Review B 89 (2014): 195209.
"Water-Free Titania–Bronze Thin Films with Superfast Lithium-Ion Transport." Advanced Materials 26 (2014): 7365-7370.