
Found 85 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
Conrad, Nathaniel, Tynan Kennedy, Deborah K. Fygenson, and Omar A. Saleh. "Increasing valence pushes DNA nanostar networks to the isostatic point." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116, no. 15 (2019): 7238-7243.
C.Y. Park, and O.A. Saleh. "Image-based synchronization of force and bead motion in active electromagnetic microrheometry." Measurement Science and Technology 25 (2014): 125010.
B.M. Lansdorp, S.J. Tabrizi, A. Dittmore, and O.A. Saleh. "A high-speed magnetic tweezer beyond 10,000 frames per second." Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (2013): 044301. (1.19 MB)
K. Kim, and O.A. Saleh. "A high-resolution magnetic tweezer for single-molecule measurements." Nucleic Acids Research 37 (2009): e136. (1.75 MB)
Morgan, Ian L., Ram Avinery, Gil Rahamim, R. Beck, and Omar A. Saleh. "Glassy dynamics and memory effects in an intrinsically-disordered protein construct." Physical Review Letters 125 (2020).
Kravikass, Mathar, Gil Koren, Omar A. Saleh, and Roy Beck. "From isolated polyelectrolytes to star-like assemblies: the role of sequence heterogeneity on the statistical structure of the intrinsically disordered neurofilament-low tail domain." Eur Phys J E Soft Matter 47, no. 2 (2024): 13.
Innes-Gold, Sarah N., David R. Jacobson, Philip A. Pincus, Mark J. Stevens, and Omar A. Saleh. "Flexible, charged biopolymers in monovalent and mixed-valence salt: Regimes of anomalous electrostatic stiffening and of salt insensitivity." Phys Rev E 104, no. 1-1 (2021): 014504.
Innes-Gold, Sarah N., David R. Jacobson, Philip A. Pincus, Mark J. Stevens, and Omar A. Saleh. "Flexible, charged biopolymers in monovalent and mixed-valence salt: Regimes of anomalous electrostatic stiffening and of salt insensitivity." Phys. Rev. E 104 (2021): 014504.
O.A. Saleh, C. Pérals, F.X. Barre, and J.F. Allemand. "Fast, DNA-sequence independent translocation by FtsK in a single-molecule experiment." The EMBO Journal 23 (2004): 2430-2439.
Saleh, Omar A., Byoung-Jin Jeon, and Tim Liedl. "Enzymatic degradation of liquid droplets of DNA is modulated near the phase boundary." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2020): 16160-16166.
Cohen, N, O.A. Saleh, and R.M. McMeeking. "Engineering the Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Networks with Flexible Self-Assembled V-Shaped Monomers." Macromolecules 51 (2018): 3149-3155.
Conrad, Nathaniel, Grace Chang, Deborah K. Fygenson, and Omar A. Saleh. "Emulsion imaging of a DNA nanostar condensate phase diagram reveals valence and electrostatic effects." J Chem Phys 157, no. 23 (2022): 234203.
C.Y. Park, D.K. Fygenson, and O.A. Saleh. "Electrostatics and depletion determine competition between 2D nematic and 3D bundled phases of rod-like DNA nanotubes." Soft Matter 12 (2016): 5089-5095.
J.P. Berezney, and O.A. Saleh. "Electrostatic effects on the conformation and elasticity of hyaluronic acid, a moderately flexible polyelectrolyte." Macromolecules (2017).
Stevens, M.J., J.P. Berezney, and O.A. Saleh. "The effect of chain stiffness and salt on the elastic response of a polyelectrolyte." The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, no. 16 (2018).
N. Ribeck, D.L. Kaplan, I. Bruck, and O.A. Saleh. "DnaB helicase activity is modulated by DNA geometry and force." Biophysical Journal 99 (2010): 2170-2179.
N. Ribeck, and O.A. Saleh. "DNA unwinding by ring-shaped T4 helicase gp41 is hindered by tension on the occluded strand." PloS one 8 (2013): e79237. (314.47 KB)
T. Lionnet, D. Dawid, S. Bigot, F.X. Barre, O.A. Saleh, F. Heslot, J.F. Allemand, D. Bensimon, and V. Croquette. "DNA mechanics as a tool to probe helicase and translocase activity." Nucleic Acids Research 34 (2006): 4232-4244. (841.85 KB)
O.A. Saleh, and L.L. Sohn. "Direct detection of antibody–antigen binding using an on-chip artificial pore." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (2003): 820-824. (247.03 KB)
Y. Yang, J. Lin, B. Kaytanli, O.A. Saleh, and M.T. Valentine. "Direct correlation between creep compliance and deformation in entangled and sparsely crosslinked microtubule networks." Soft Matter 8 (2012): 1776-1784.
D.B. McIntosh, N. Ribeck, and O.A. Saleh. "Detailed scaling analysis of low-force polyelectrolyte elasticity." Physical Review E 80 (2009): 041803. (193.93 KB)
Jacobson, D. R., and O.A. Saleh. "Counting the ions surrounding nucleic acids." Nucleic Acids Research 45 (2017): 1596-1605.
D.R. Jacobson, and O.A. Saleh. "Counting the ions surrounding nucleic acids." Nucleic Acids Research (2016). (628.74 KB)
O.A. Saleh, and L.L. Sohn. "Correcting off-axis effects in an on-chip resistive-pulse analyzer." Review of Scientific Instruments 73 (2002): 4396-4398. (46.63 KB)
Gao, Daqian, Sam Wilken, Anna B. N. Nguyen, Gabrielle R. Abraham, Tim Liedl, and Omar A. Saleh. "Controlling the size and adhesion of DNA droplets using surface- enriched DNA molecules." Soft Matter 20, no. 6 (2024): 1275-1281.
