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Controlling liquid-liquid phase behaviour with an active fluid." Nat Mater 22, no. 11 (2023): 1401-1408.
"Intramolecular structural heterogeneity altered by long-range contacts in an intrinsically disordered protein." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (2023): e2220180120.
"Triggered disassembly and reassembly of actin networks induces rigidity phase transitions." Soft Matter 15, no. 6 (2019): 1335-1344.
"Sequence-dependent elasticity and electrostatics of single-stranded DNA: Signatures of base-stacking." Biophysical journal 106 (2014): 659-666.
"Single-molecule methods for ligand counting: Linking ion uptake to DNA hairpin folding." Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014): 5974-5980.
"A high-speed magnetic tweezer beyond 10,000 frames per second." Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (2013): 044301.
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Single-molecule elasticity measurements of the onset of excluded volume in poly (ethylene glycol)." Physical Review Letters 107 (2011): 148301.
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Magnetic tweezers for the study of DNA tracking motors." Methods in Enzymology 475 (2010): 297-320.
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DNA mechanics as a tool to probe helicase and translocase activity." Nucleic Acids Research 34 (2006): 4232-4244.
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KOPS: DNA motifs that control E. coli chromosome segregation by orienting the FtsK translocase." The EMBO Journal 24 (2005): 3770-3780.