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A 3D analysis of the onset of slip activity in relation to the degree of micro-texture in Ti–6Al–4V. Acta Materialia. 181:36–48.
2019. Anomalous basal slip activity in zirconium under high-strain deformation. Materials Research Letters. 1:133–140.
2013. Approaching non-destructive surface chemical analysis of CMSX-4 superalloy with double-pulsed laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 63:561–565.
2008. Bimetallic low thermal-expansion panels of Co-base and silicide-coated Nb-base alloys for high-temperature structural applications. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 528:3973–3980.
2011. Bulk texture evolution of nanolamellar Zr–Nb composites processed via accumulative roll bonding. Acta Materialia. 92:97–108.
2015. Creep resistance of bulk copper–niobium composites: An inverse effect of multilayer length scale. Acta Materialia. 176:189–198.
2019. Deformation of a platinum-containing RuAl intermetallic by< 111> dislocations. Scripta materialia. 48:1087–1092.
2003. Deformation of Ru–Al–Ta ternary alloys. Intermetallics. 12:755–762.
2004. Discontinuous cellular precipitation in a high-refractory nickel-base superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 28:2443–2452.
1997. Displacement Mapping During In-Situ Straining In The SEM. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS-NEW YORK-. 5:334–335.
1999. Dynamics of Ultrafast Laser Induced Damage in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy During Machining. Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys(MRS Symposium Proceedings Series Volume 980). 980:571–576.
2007. Dynamics of Ultrafast Laser Induced Damage in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy During Machining. MRS Proceedings. 980:0980–II05.
2006. The effect of impurity content on thermally activated deformation in NiAl single crystals. Scripta metallurgica et materialia. 31:397–402.
1994. Electrically pumped continuous wave quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on patterned, on-Axis (001) Si. Optics Express. 25:3927–3934.
2017. Elevated temperature deformation and dynamic strain aging in polycrystalline RuAl alloys. Intermetallics. 11:1029–1038.
2003. Enhanced plasticity via kinking in cubic metallic nanolaminates. Advanced Engineering Materials. 17:781–785.
2015. Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation dynamics and ablation morphology of nickel based superalloy CMSX-4. Journal of Applied Physics. 103:093111.
2008. Interface-driven microstructure development and ultra high strength of bulk nanostructured Cu-Nb multilayers fabricated by severe plastic deformation. Journal of materials research. 28:1799–1812.
2013. Kink band and shear band localization in anisotropic perfectly plastic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 146:104183.
2021. Kink band formation in high-strength bulk metallic nanolaminates. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21:1157–1158.
2015. Mechanical Behavior of Ternary and Quaternary Rual Alloys. MRS Proceedings. 753:BB2–11.
2002. Mechanical Behavior of Ternary and Quaternary RuAl Alloys. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 753:89–96.
2003. Microstructural characterization of a die-cast magnesium-rare earth alloy. Scripta Materialia. 45:1423–1429.
2001. Microstructural stability and creep of rare-earth containing magnesium alloys. Scripta Materialia. 48:1029–1034.