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Accurate reconstruction of EBSD datasets by a multimodal data approach using an evolutionary algorithm. Materials Characterization. 150:184–198.
2019. Accelerated discovery of oxidation resistant CoNi-base γ/γ' alloys with high L12 solvus and low density. Materials and Design. 189:1–12.
2020. 3D printing of high-strength aluminium alloys. Nature. 549:365–369.
2017. The Yield Strength Anomaly in Co-Ni Design Space. Superalloys 2020.
2020. Role of Non-metallic Inclusions and Twins on the Variability in Fatigue Life in Alloy 718 Nickel Base Superalloy. Superalloys 2020.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Multi-scale Microstructure and Property-Based Statistically Equivalent RVEs for Modeling Nickel-Based Superalloys. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods. :55–90.
2020. Acquisition of 3D Data for Prediction of Monotonic and Cyclic Properties of Superalloys. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods. :1–18.