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Small fatigue crack growth in metallic materials: a model and its application to engineering alloys. Acta Materialia. 55:6606–6616.
2007. Compression Creep Behavior of B2 AL-Ni-Ru Ternary Alloys. MRS Proceedings. 980:0980–II01.
2006. Dynamics of Ultrafast Laser Induced Damage in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy During Machining. MRS Proceedings. 980:0980–II05.
2006. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modelling of the Mg–Al-rich region of the Mg–Al–Sr System. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 97:422–428.
2006. High Temperature Strength of Co-based $\gamma$/$\gamma$'Superalloys. MRS Proceedings. 980:0980–II08.
2006. Microstructure and properties of blended Mg- Al alloys fabricated by semisolid processing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 37:3725–3736.
2006. Nickel-based superalloys for advanced turbine engines: chemistry, microstructure and properties. Journal of propulsion and power. 22:361–374.
2006. Phase equilibria in the Mg-Al-Ca ternary system at 773 and 673 K. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 37:975–983.
2006. .
2006. Phase Transformation and Creep of Mg-Al-Ca Based Die-Cast Alloys. Essential Readings in Magnesium Technology. :291–296.
2005. A method for measuring microstructural-scale strains using a scanning electron microscope: applications to $\gamma$-titanium aluminides. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 34:2301–2313.
2003. Strain hardening. Intermetallic Compounds-Principles and Practice: Progress, Volume 3. :361–377.
2002. Use of Weibull statistics to quantify property variability in TiAl alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 33:3127–3136.
2002. Cast gamma titanium aluminides for low pressure turbine blades: a design case study for intermetallics. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, Structural Intermetallics 2001(USA),. :3–12.
2001. .
Microstructural development and creep deformation in equiaxed $\gamma$, $\gamma$+ $\alpha$ 2, and $\gamma$+ $\alpha$ 2+ B2 titanium aluminides. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 29:965–978.
1998. Numerical modeling of the creep behavior of unidirectional eutectic composites. Acta materialia. 46:2859–2876.
1998. Effects of environment on the tensile and creep behavior of a low-oxygen orthorhombic-based titanium aluminide, Ti-22 Al-23 Nb. Titanium'95- Science and technology. :396–403.
1996. Effects of high temperature air and vacuum exposures on the room temperature tensile behavior of the (O+ B2) titanium aluminide Ti-22Al-23Nb. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 208:188–202.
1996. The growth and elevated temperature stability of high refractory nickel-base single crystals. Materials Science and Engineering: B. 32:255–266.
1995. .
1995. .
Creep of $\alpha$ 2+ $\beta$ Titanium Aluminide Alloys. ISIJ International. 31:1139–1146.
1991. Intermediate temperature creep deformation in CMSX-3 single crystals. Superalloys 1988. :285.