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Journal Article
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Tin S, Pollock TM.  2003.  Solidification of high-refractory ruthenium-containing superalloys. Acta Materialia. 51:269–284.
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Pollock TM.  2004.  The Re (Ru)-rich $δ$-phase in Ru-containing superalloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 373:239–249.
Cao F, Nandy TK, Stobbe D, Pollock TM.  2007.  Oxidation of ruthenium aluminide-based alloys: The role of microstructure and platinum additions. Intermetallics. 15:34–43.
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Pollock TM.  2004.  Observation of a Ru-rich Heusler phase in a multicomponent Ni-base superalloy. Scripta materialia. 50:849–854.
Nandy TK, Messing RM, J Jones W, Pollock TM, Walukas DM, Decker RF.  2006.  Microstructure and properties of blended Mg- Al alloys fabricated by semisolid processing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 37:3725–3736.
Moreno IP, Nandy TK, Jones JW, Allison JE, Pollock TM.  2003.  Microstructural stability and creep of rare-earth containing magnesium alloys. Scripta Materialia. 48:1029–1034.
Moreno IP, Nandy TK, Jones JW, Allison JE, Pollock TM.  2001.  Microstructural characterization of a die-cast magnesium-rare earth alloy. Scripta Materialia. 45:1423–1429.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2003.  Elevated temperature deformation and dynamic strain aging in polycrystalline RuAl alloys. Intermetallics. 11:1029–1038.
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Tryon B, Pollock TM.  2004.  Deformation of Ru–Al–Ta ternary alloys. Intermetallics. 12:755–762.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2003.  Deformation of a platinum-containing RuAl intermetallic by< 111> dislocations. Scripta materialia. 48:1087–1092.
Conference Paper
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Rowland LJ, Tryon B, Banerjee D, Pollock TM.  2004.  New Phases in Ruthenium-Containing Single-Crystal Superalloys. Superalloys 2004: The Tenth International Symposium on Superalloys. :769–778.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Banerjee D, Gigliotti MFX, Pollock TM.  2002.  Mechanical Behavior of Ternary and Quaternary Rual Alloys. MRS Proceedings. 753:BB2–11.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Banerjee D, Gigliotti MFX, Pollock TM.  2003.  Mechanical Behavior of Ternary and Quaternary RuAl Alloys. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS. 753:89–96.