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Fatigue deformation in a polycrystalline nickel base superalloy at intermediate and high temperature: Competing failure modes. Acta Materialia. 152:16–33.
2018. Femtosecond laser rejuvenation of nanocrystalline metals. Acta Materialia. 156:183–195.
2018. Grain size effects on NiTi shape memory alloy fatigue crack growth. Journal of Materials Research. 33:91–107.
2018. Grain-Scale Stress States in Microtextured Ti64: Implications for Dwell Fatigue. Jom. 74:3709–3719.
2022. Influence of plastic deformation on the magnetic properties of Heusler MnAu2Al. Phys. Rev. Materials. 5
2021. Insight into microstructure-sensitive elastic strain concentrations from integrated computational modeling and digital image correlation. Scripta Materialia. 192:78–82.
2021. Interfacial diffusion in high-temperature deformation of composites: A discrete dislocation plasticity investigation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 98:330–349.
2017. Kink band and shear band localization in anisotropic perfectly plastic solids. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 146:104183.
2021. Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a CoNi-Based Superalloy Fabricated by Selective Electron Beam Melting. Superalloys 2020.
2020. A model for high temperature deformation of nanolaminate Cu-Nb composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 761:138016.
2019. Modelling the elastic properties of bi-continuous composite microstructures captured with TriBeam serial-sectioning. Computational Materials Science. 131:187–195.
2017. Multiplicity of dislocation pathways in a refractory multiprincipal element alloy. Science. 370:95–101.
2020. Multi-scale Microstructure and Property-Based Statistically Equivalent RVEs for Modeling Nickel-Based Superalloys. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods. :55–90.
2020. A new proximate structure for the APB (111) in L12 compounds. Scripta Materialia. 182:38–42.
2020. Oxidation Behavior Across Composition Space Relevant to Co-based γ/γ′ Alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 50:5445–5458.
2019. Oxygen evolution on Fe-doped NiO electrocatalysts deposited via microplasma. Nanoscale. 9:15070–15082.
2017. Prediction of tensile stiffness and strength of Ti-6Al-4V using instantiated volume elements and crystal plasticity. Acta Materialia. 157:21–32.
2018. Protocols for High Temperature Assisted-Microwave Preparation of Inorganic Compounds. Chemistry of Materials. 31:7151–7159.
2019. Rapid Assessment of Oxidation Behavior in Co-Based γ/γ′ Alloys. Oxidation of Metals. 90:485–498.
2018. Reconstruction of Laser-Induced Surface Topography from Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23:730–740.
2017. A robust method to characterize rumpling in high-strength bond coats. Surface and Coatings Technology. 317:148–157.
2017. .
2020. Serial sectioning in the SEM for three dimensional materials science. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. :100817.
2020. Short crack propagation from cracked non-metallic inclusions in a Ni-based polycrystalline superalloy. Acta Materialia. 165:241–258.
2019. Solidification-driven orientation gradients in additively manufactured stainless steel. Acta Materialia. 183:249–260.