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A study of microstructure-driven strain localizations in two-phase polycrystalline HCP/BCC composites using a multi-scale model. International Journal of Plasticity. 74:35–57.
2015. Segmentation-free image processing and analysis of precipitate shapes in 2D and 3D. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 25:045009.
2017. Structure Evolution in AZ 61 L along a Fine-Grain Sheet Processing Path. AIP Conference Proceedings.
2012. Structure–property–functionality of bimetal interfaces. Jom. 64:1192–1207.
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2001. Structure refinement by a liquid metal cooling solidification process for single-crystal nickel-base superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43:965–976.
2012. Sustainability through alloy design: Challenges and opportunities. Progress in Materials Science. :100722.
2020. The suppression of instabilities via biphase interfaces during bulk fabrication of nanograined Zr. Materials Research Letters. 3:50–57.
2015. Symposium on Dynamic Deformation: Constitutive Modeling, Grain Size, and Other Effects–In Honor of Prof. Ronald W. Armstrong-Dynamic Deformation and Damage in Cast g-TiAl during Taylor Cylinder. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions-Series A. 35:2557–2566.
2004. Slip localization in Inconel 718: A three-dimensional and statistical perspective. Acta Materialia. 215:117037.
2021. Serial sectioning in the SEM for three dimensional materials science. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. :100817.
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2013. Shearing of γ' particles in Co-base and Co-Ni-base superalloys. Acta Materialia. 161:99–109.
2018. Soldification segregation in ruthenium-containing nickel-base superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 37:1949–1962.
2006. Solidification of high-refractory ruthenium-containing superalloys. Acta Materialia. 51:269–284.
2003. Strain hardening. Intermetallic Compounds-Principles and Practice: Progress, Volume 3. :361–377.
2002. Structural stability of platinum-group-metal-modified $\gamma$+ $\gamma$′ Ni-base alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 40:1529–1540.
2009. Strain Localization and Fatigue Crack Formation at ( 0001 ) Twist Boundaries in Titanium Alloys. Acta Materialia. 219:117227.
2021. Slip localization behavior at triple junctions in nickel-base superalloys. Acta Materialia. 249:118801.
2023. On Slip Initiation in Equiaxed Alpha/Beta Ti-6Al-4V. Acta Materialia. 136
2017. Strengthening mechanisms in polycrystalline multimodal nickel-base superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 40:1588–1603.
2009. Structural coupling and magnetic tuning in Mn₂₋ₓCoₓP magnetocalorics for thermomagnetic power generation. APL Materials. 8:041106.
2020. Solute partitioning in multi-component $\gamma$/$\gamma$′ Co–Ni-base superalloys with near-zero lattice misfit. Scripta Materialia. 113:185–189.
2016. Simulation of diffusion-limited lateral growth of dendrites during solidification via liquid metal cooling. Acta Materialia. 69:47–59.
2014. Stability of dendrite growth during directional solidification in the presence of a non-axial thermal field. Acta Materialia. 78:23–36.