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Martin JH, Yahata BD, Hundley JM, Mayer JA, Schaedler TA, Pollock TM.  2017.  3D printing of high-strength aluminium alloys. Nature. 549:365–369.
Shishvan SS, Mcmeeking RM, Pollock TM, Deshpande VS.  2017.  Discrete dislocation plasticity analysis of the effect of interfacial diffusion on the creep response of Ni single-crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 135:188–200.
Norman J, Kennedy M.J., Selvidge J, Li Q, Wan Y, Liu AY, Callahan PG, Echlin MP, Pollock TM, Lau KMay et al..  2017.  Electrically pumped continuous wave quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on patterned, on-Axis (001) Si. Optics Express. 25:3927–3934.
Shishvan SS, Pollock TM, Mcmeeking RM, Deshpande VS.  2017.  Interfacial diffusion in high-temperature deformation of composites: A discrete dislocation plasticity investigation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 98:330–349.
Mignone PJ, Echlin MP, Pollock TM, Finlayson TR, Riley DP, Sesso ML, Franks GV.  2017.  Modelling the elastic properties of bi-continuous composite microstructures captured with TriBeam serial-sectioning. Computational Materials Science. 131:187–195.
Pebley AC, Decolvenaere E, Pollock TM, Gordon MJ.  2017.  Oxygen evolution on Fe-doped NiO electrocatalysts deposited via microplasma. Nanoscale. 9:15070–15082.
Callahan PG, Echlin MP, Pollock TM, De Graef M.  2017.  Reconstruction of Laser-Induced Surface Topography from Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 23:730–740.
Jorgensen DJ, R. Jackson W, Pollock TM.  2017.  A robust method to characterize rumpling in high-strength bond coats. Surface and Coatings Technology. 317:148–157.
Callahan PG, Echlin M, Pollock TM, Singh S, De Graef M.  2017.  Three-dimensional texture visualization approaches: theoretical analysis and examples. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 50:430–440.
Levin EE, Bocarsly JD, Wyckoff KE, Pollock TM, Seshadri R.  2017.  Tuning the magnetocaloric response in half-Heusler/Heusler MnNi1 xSb solid solutions. Physical Review Materials. 1
Lenthe WC, Stinville JCharles, Echlin MP, Chen Z, Daly S, Pollock TM.  2018.  Advanced detector signal acquisition and electron beam scanning for high resolution SEM imaging. Ultramicroscopy. 195:93–100.
Latypov MI, Kühbach M, Beyerlein IJ, Stinville JCharles, Toth LS, Pollock TM, Kalidindi SR.  2018.  Application of chord length distributions and principal component analysis for quantification and representation of diverse polycrystalline microstructures. Materials Characterization. 145:671–685.
Bales B, Petzold L, Goodlet BR, Lenthe WC, Pollock TM.  2018.  Bayesian inference of elastic properties with resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143:71–83.
Stinville JCharles, Martin E, Karadge M, Ismonov S, Soare M, Hanlon T, Sundaram S, Echlin MLLP, Callahan PG, Lenthe WC et al..  2018.  Competing Modes for Crack Initiation from Non-metallic Inclusions and Intrinsic Microstructural Features During Fatigue in a Polycrystalline Nickel-Based Superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 49:3865–3873.
Rhein RK, Callahan PG, Murray SP, Stinville J-C, Titus MS, Van der Ven A, Pollock TM.  2018.  Creep Behavior of Quinary γ′-Strengthened Co-Based Superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49:4090–4098.
Polonsky AT, Echlin MP, Lenthe WC, Dehoff RR, Kirka MM, Pollock TM.  2018.  Defects and 3D structural inhomogeneity in electron beam additively manufactured Inconel 718. Materials Characterization. 143:171–181.
Shishvan SS, Mcmeeking RM, Pollock TM, Deshpande VS.  2018.  Discrete dislocation plasticity analysis of the high-temperature cyclic response of composites. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 712:714–719.
Levin EE, Long F, Douglas JE, Buffon MLC, Lamontagne LK, Pollock TM, Seshadri R.  2018.  Enhancing thermoelectric properties through control of Nickel Interstitials and phase separation in Heusler/Half-Heusler TiNi1.1Sn composites. Materials. 11:1–12.
Stinville JCharles, Martin E, Karadge M, Ismonov S, Soare M, Hanlon T, Sundaram S, Echlin MP, Callahan PG, Lenthe WC et al..  2018.  Fatigue deformation in a polycrystalline nickel base superalloy at intermediate and high temperature: Competing failure modes. Acta Materialia. 152:16–33.
Balbus GH, Echlin MP, Grigorian CM, Rupert TJ, Pollock TM, Gianola DS.  2018.  Femtosecond laser rejuvenation of nanocrystalline metals. Acta Materialia. 156:183–195.
Lepage WS, Ahadi A, Lenthe WC, Sun QPing, Pollock TM, Shaw JA, Daly SH.  2018.  Grain size effects on NiTi shape memory alloy fatigue crack growth. Journal of Materials Research. 33:91–107.
Chatterjee K, Echlin MP, Kasemer M, Callahan PG, Pollock TM, Dawson P.  2018.  Prediction of tensile stiffness and strength of Ti-6Al-4V using instantiated volume elements and crystal plasticity. Acta Materialia. 157:21–32.
Stewart CA, Suzuki A, Pollock TM, Levi CG.  2018.  Rapid Assessment of Oxidation Behavior in Co-Based γ/γ′ Alloys. Oxidation of Metals. 90:485–498.
