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BisQue for 3D Materials Science in the Cloud: Microstructure–Property Linkages. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 8:52–65.
2019. Closing the science gap in 3D metal printing. Science. 368:583–584.
2020. Defects and 3D structural inhomogeneity in electron beam additively manufactured Inconel 718. Materials Characterization. 143:171–181.
2018. .
Serial sectioning in the SEM for three dimensional materials science. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. :100817.
2020. Solidification-driven orientation gradients in additively manufactured stainless steel. Acta Materialia. 183:249–260.
2020. Three-dimensional Analysis and Reconstruction of Additively Manufactured Materials in the Cloud-Based BisQue Infrastructure. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 8:37–51.
2019. Three-dimensional maps of geometrically necessary dislocation densities in additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy IN718. International Journal of Plasticity. :102709.