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Vamsi KV, Charpagne M-agathe, Pollock T.  2021.  High-throughput approach for estimation of intrinsic barriers in FCC structures for alloy design. Scripta Materialia. 204:114126.
Cappola J, Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Callahan P, Echlin M, Pollock T, Pilchak A, Kasemer M.  2021.  On the Localization of Plastic Strain in Microtextured Regions of Ti-6Al-4V. Acta Materialia. 204:116492.
Dawson P, Miller M, Pollock T, Wendorf J, Mills L, Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Echlin M.  2021.  Mechanical Metrics of Virtual Polycrystals (MechMet). Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. 10:1-21.
Francis T, Rottmann P, Polonsky A, Charpagne M-agathe, Echlin M, Livescu V, Jones D, Gray G., Graef M, Pollock T.  2021.  Multimodal 3D Characterization of Voids in Shock-Loaded Tantalum: Implications for Ductile Spallation Mechanisms. Acta Materialia. 215:117057.
Charpagne M-agathe, Stinville J-C, Polonsky A, Echlin M., Pollock T..  2021.  A Multi-modal Data Merging Framework for Correlative Investigation of Strain Localization in Three Dimensions. JOM. 73
Charpagne M-agathe, Hestroffer J, Polonsky A, Echlin M.P., Texier D, Valle V, Beyerlein I.J., Pollock T.m., Stinville J-C.  2021.  Slip localization in Inconel 718: A three-dimensional and statistical perspective. Acta Materialia. 215:117037.
Hémery S, Stinville J-C, Wang F, Charpagne M-agathe, Emigh M.G., Pollock T.m., Valle V.  2021.  Strain Localization and Fatigue Crack Formation at ( 0001 ) Twist Boundaries in Titanium Alloys. Acta Materialia. 219:117227.
Hestroffer J, Latypov M, Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Valle V, Miller M, Pollock T, Beyerlein I.  2022.  Development of grain-scale slip activity and lattice rotation fields in Inconel 718. Acta Materialia. 226:117627.
Bean C, Wang F, Charpagne M-agathe, Villechaise P., Valle V, Agnew S.R., Gianola D.S., Pollock T.m., Stinville J-C.  2022.  Heterogeneous slip localization in an additively manufactured 316L stainless steel. International Journal of Plasticity. 159:103436.
Stinville J-C, Hestroffer J, Charpagne M-agathe, Polonsky A, Echlin M., Torbet C, Valle V, Nygren K., Miller M., Klaas O et al..  2022.  Multi-modal Dataset of a Polycrystalline Metallic Material: 3D Microstructure and Deformation Fields. Scientific Data. 9
Charpagne M-agathe, Stinville J-C, Wang F, Philips N, Pollock T.m..  2022.  Orientation dependent plastic localization in the refractory high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 848:143291.
Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Cervellon A, Hémery S, Wang F, Callahan P., Valle V, Pollock T..  2022.  On the origins of fatigue strength in crystalline metallic materials. Science. 377:1065-1071.
Witzen W, Echlin M, Charpagne M-agathe, Pollock T, Beyerlein I.  2022.  Subgrain geometrically necessary dislocation density mapping in spalled Ta in three dimensions. Acta Materialia. 244:118366.