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Gallup K, Pollock T.  2012.  Transverse Creep Behavior of Superalloy Bicrystals. AIP Conference Proceedings.
Ghosh S, Weber G, Pinz M, Bagri A, Pollock TM, Lenthe W, Stinville J-C, Uchic MD, Woodward C.  2020.  Multi-scale Microstructure and Property-Based Statistically Equivalent RVEs for Modeling Nickel-Based Superalloys. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME): Advancing Computational and Experimental Methods. :55–90.
Gilchrist A, Pollock TM.  2001.  Cast gamma titanium aluminides for low pressure turbine blades: a design case study for intermetallics. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, Structural Intermetallics 2001(USA),. :3–12.
Godlewski LA, Su X, Allison JE, Gustafson P, Pollock TM.  2007.  2006-01-0319 A Test Method for Quantifying Residual Stress Due to Heat Treatment in Metals. SAE TRANSACTIONS. 115:273.
Godlewski LA, Su X, Pollock TM, Allison JE.  2013.  The effect of aging on the relaxation of residual stress in cast aluminum. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 44:4809–4818.
Godlewski LA, Su X, Allison JE, Gustafson P, Pollock TM.  2006.  A test method for quantifying residual stress due to heat treatment in metals.
Goodlet BR, Murray SP, Bales B, Rossin J, Torbet CJ, Pollock TM.  2021.  Temperature dependence of single crystal elastic constants in a CoNi-Base alloy: A new methodology. Materials Science and Engineering A. 803:140507.
Goodlet B.r., Torbet C.j., Biedermann E.j., Jauriqui L.m., Aldrin J.c., Pollock T.m..  2017.  Forward models for extending the mechanical damage evaluation capability of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Ultrasonics. 77:183–196.
Goodlet B, Bales B, Pollock T.  2021.  A new elastic characterization method for anisotropic bilayer specimens via Bayesian resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Ultrasonics. 115:106455.
Goodlet BR, Mills L, Bales B, Charpagne M-agathe, Murray SP, Lenthe WC, Petzold L, Pollock TM.  2018.  Elastic Properties of Novel Co- and CoNi-Based Superalloys Determined through Bayesian Inference and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 49A:2324–2339.
Gray GT, Pollock TM.  2002.  Strain hardening. Intermetallic Compounds-Principles and Practice: Progress, Volume 3. :361–377.
Handwerker CA, Pollock TM.  2014.  Emerging science and research opportunities for metals and metallic nanostructures. Jom. 66:1321–1341.
Harding TS, J Jones W, Steif PS, Pollock TM.  1999.  Room temperature fatigue response of $\gamma$-TiAl to impact damage. Scripta materialia. 40:445–449.
Harding TS, Jones JW, Pollock TM, Steif PS, Rubal MP.  1997.  Impact damage and fatigue behavior of gamma TiAl.
Heidloff AJ, Van Sluytman J, Pollock TM, Gleeson B.  2009.  Structural stability of platinum-group-metal-modified $\gamma$+ $\gamma$′ Ni-base alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 40:1529–1540.
Hémery S., Naït-Ali A., Guéguen M., Wendorf J., Polonsky A.T, Echlin M.P, Stinville J.C, Pollock T.M, Villechaise P..  2019.  A 3D analysis of the onset of slip activity in relation to the degree of micro-texture in Ti–6Al–4V. Acta Materialia. 181:36–48.
Hémery S, Stinville J-C, Wang F, Charpagne M-agathe, Emigh M.G., Pollock T.m., Valle V.  2021.  Strain Localization and Fatigue Crack Formation at ( 0001 ) Twist Boundaries in Titanium Alloys. Acta Materialia. 219:117227.
Hestroffer J, Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Miller M, Pollock T, Beyerlein I.  2023.  Slip localization behavior at triple junctions in nickel-base superalloys. Acta Materialia. 249:118801.
Hestroffer J, Latypov M, Stinville J-C, Charpagne M-agathe, Valle V, Miller M, Pollock T, Beyerlein I.  2022.  Development of grain-scale slip activity and lattice rotation fields in Inconel 718. Acta Materialia. 226:117627.
Huang J, Arbel T, Ligeski L, McCaffrey J, Kulkarni S, Jones J, Pollock T, Decker R, LeBeau S.  2010.  On Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of TTMP Wrought Mg Alloys. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086 USA.[np]. 14-18 Feb.
Husseini NS, Kumah DP, Z Jian Y, Torbet CJ, Arms DA, Dufresne EM, Pollock TM, J Jones W, Clarke R.  2008.  Mapping single-crystal dendritic microstructure and defects in nickel-base superalloys with synchrotron radiation. Acta Materialia. 56:4715–4723.
