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POLLOCK TRESAM, ARGON ALIS.  1990.  Creep resistance of nickel-base superalloy single crystals. Creep and fracture of engineering materials and structures. :287–301.
Titus MS, Eggeler YM, Suzuki A, Pollock TM.  2015.  Creep-induced planar defects in L1 2-containing Co-and CoNi-base single-crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 82:530–539.
Torralva B, Ma S, Kumar A, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM, Thornton K.  2011.  The Critical Role of Shock Melting in Ultrafast Laser Machining. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086 United States.[np]. Feb.
Miao J, Pollock TM, J Jones W.  2009.  Crystallographic fatigue crack initiation in nickel-based superalloy René 88DT at elevated temperature. Acta Materialia. 57:5964–5974.
Zhang X, Stinville J-C, Pollock T, Dunne F.  2021.  Crystallography and elastic anisotropy in fatigue crack nucleation at nickel alloy twin boundaries. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 155:104538.
Vermaak N, Mottura A, Pollock TM.  2013.  Cyclic oxidation of high temperature coatings on new $\gamma$′-strengthened cobalt-based alloys. Corrosion Science. 75:300–308.
Feng Q, Tryon B, Carroll LJ, Pollock TM.  2007.  Cyclic oxidation of Ru-containing single crystal superalloys at 1100 C. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 458:184–194.
Muir C., Swaminathan B., Almansour A, Sevener K, Smith C., Presby M, Kiser J., Pollock T., Daly S..  2021.  Damage mechanism identification in composites via machine learning and acoustic emission. npj Computational Materials. 7:95.
Cervellon A, Ormastroni LMaria Bort, Hervier Z, Pollock TM, Pedraza F, Cormier J.  2021.  Damage mechanisms during very high cycle fatigue of a coated and grit-blasted Ni-based single-crystal superalloy. International Journal of Fatigue. 142
Cormier J, Stinville J-C, Suave LMataveli, Mauget F, Patrick V, Marcin L, Pollock T.  2022.  Damage Nucleation During Transverse Creep of a Directionally Solidified Ni-based Superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering A. 858:144089.
Pinz M, Weber G, Stinville J-C, Pollock T, Ghosh S.  2021.  A Data-Driven Bayesian Model for Predicting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloys. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Pinz M, Weber G, Stinville J-C, Pollock T, Ghosh S.  2022.  Data-driven Bayesian model-based prediction of fatigue crack nucleation in Ni-based superalloys. npj Computational Materials. 8
Banerjee A, Rossin J, He M-R, Musinski W, Shade P, Cox M, Schwalbach E, Pollock T, Hemker K..  2023.  Decoupling build orientation-induced geometric and texture effects on the mechanical response of additively manufactured IN625 thin-walled elements. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 870:144826.
Polonsky AT, Echlin MP, Lenthe WC, Dehoff RR, Kirka MM, Pollock TM.  2018.  Defects and 3D structural inhomogeneity in electron beam additively manufactured Inconel 718. Materials Characterization. 143:171–181.
Tu WJ, Pollock TM.  2010.  Deformation and strain storage mechanisms during high-temperature compression of a powder metallurgy nickel-base superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:2002–2009.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2007.  Deformation mechanisms in a Ru–Ni–Al ternary B2 intermetallic alloy. Acta materialia. 55:2715–2727.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2003.  Deformation of a platinum-containing RuAl intermetallic by< 111> dislocations. Scripta materialia. 48:1087–1092.
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Tryon B, Pollock TM.  2004.  Deformation of Ru–Al–Ta ternary alloys. Intermetallics. 12:755–762.
Shi X, Mahajan S, Pollock TM, Arunachalam VS.  1999.  Deformation-induced point defects in NiAl single crystals. Intermetallics. 7:1255–1260.
TerBush JR, Chen OH, J Jones W, Pollock TM.  2012.  The dependence of creep behavior on elemental partitioning in Mg-5Al-3Ca-xSn alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43:3120–3134.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Depth-profiling study of a thermal barrier coated superalloy using femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 63:27–36.
Pollock T.M, Clarke A.J, Babu S.S.  2020.  Design and Tailoring of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 51:6000–6019.
Pollock TM, Jorgensen D, Jackson RW, He M, Suzuki A, Lipkin D.  2014.  Design constraints and higher temperature intermetallic bond coatings.
Charpagne MA, Vamsi KV, Eggeler YM, Murray SP, Frey C, Kolli SK, Pollock TM.  2020.  Design of Nickel-Cobalt-Ruthenium Multi-Principal Element Alloys. Acta Materialia. :16013.
Meher S., Carroll M.C, Pollock T.M, Carroll L.J.  2018.  Designing nickel base alloys for microstructural stability through low γ-γ′ interfacial energy and lattice misfit. Materials and Design. 140:249–256.
