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Banerjee A, Rossin J, He M-R, Musinski W, Shade P, Cox M, Schwalbach E, Pollock T, Hemker K..  2023.  Decoupling build orientation-induced geometric and texture effects on the mechanical response of additively manufactured IN625 thin-walled elements. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 870:144826.
Elliott AJ, Pollock TM, Tin S, King WT, Huang S-C, Gigliotti MFX.  2003.  Defect reduction in large superalloy castings by liquid-tin assisted solidification.. PARSONS 2003: Sixth International Charles Parsons Turbine Conference. :649–661.
Polonsky AT, Echlin MP, Lenthe WC, Dehoff RR, Kirka MM, Pollock TM.  2018.  Defects and 3D structural inhomogeneity in electron beam additively manufactured Inconel 718. Materials Characterization. 143:171–181.
Tu WJ, Pollock TM.  2010.  Deformation and strain storage mechanisms during high-temperature compression of a powder metallurgy nickel-base superalloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 41:2002–2009.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2007.  Deformation mechanisms in a Ru–Ni–Al ternary B2 intermetallic alloy. Acta materialia. 55:2715–2727.
Nandy TK, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2003.  Deformation of a platinum-containing RuAl intermetallic by< 111> dislocations. Scripta materialia. 48:1087–1092.
Pollock TM, Kolluru D.  1995.  DEFORMATION OF NiAl-BASED INTERMETALLICS. Micromechanics of Advanced Materials: A Symposium in Honor of Professor James CM Li's 70th Birthday: Proceedings of a Symposium. :205.
Feng Q, Nandy TK, Tryon B, Pollock TM.  2004.  Deformation of Ru–Al–Ta ternary alloys. Intermetallics. 12:755–762.
Shi X, Mahajan S, Pollock TM, Arunachalam VS.  1999.  Deformation-induced point defects in NiAl single crystals. Intermetallics. 7:1255–1260.
TerBush JR, Chen OH, J Jones W, Pollock TM.  2012.  The dependence of creep behavior on elemental partitioning in Mg-5Al-3Ca-xSn alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43:3120–3134.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Depth-profiling study of a thermal barrier coated superalloy using femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 63:27–36.
Pollock T.M, Clarke A.J, Babu S.S.  2020.  Design and Tailoring of Alloys for Additive Manufacturing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 51:6000–6019.
Pollock TM, Jorgensen D, Jackson RW, He M, Suzuki A, Lipkin D.  2014.  Design constraints and higher temperature intermetallic bond coatings.
Charpagne MA, Vamsi KV, Eggeler YM, Murray SP, Frey C, Kolli SK, Pollock TM.  2020.  Design of Nickel-Cobalt-Ruthenium Multi-Principal Element Alloys. Acta Materialia. :16013.
Meher S., Carroll M.C, Pollock T.M, Carroll L.J.  2018.  Designing nickel base alloys for microstructural stability through low γ-γ′ interfacial energy and lattice misfit. Materials and Design. 140:249–256.
Rettberg LH, Goodlet BR, Pollock TM.  2016.  Detecting Recrystallization in a Single Crystal Ni-Base Alloy using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy. NDT & E International.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Levi CG, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Detection of a marker layer in a 7YSZ thermal barrier coating by femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Surface and Coatings Technology. 202:3940–3946.
Fährmann M, Hermann W, Fährmann E, Boegli A, Pollock TM, Sockel HG.  1999.  Determination of matrix and precipitate elastic constants in ($\gamma$–$\gamma$′) Ni-base model alloys, and their relevance to rafting. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 260:212–221.
Zhang M, Yu Q, Frey C, Walsh F, Payne M, Kumar P, Liu D, Pollock T, Asta M, Ritchie R et al..  2022.  Determination of peak ordering in the CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy via nanoindentation. Acta Materialia. 241:118380.
Callahan PG, Echlin MP, Pollock TM, De Graef M.  2015.  Determination of Surface Topography from Laser Ablation using EBSD. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 21:2369–2370.
Miller JD, Pollock TM.  2012.  Development and Application of an Optimization Protocol for Directional Solidification: Integrating Fundamental Theory, Experimentation and Modeling Tools. Superalloys 2012. :653–662.
Ott EA, Pollock TM.  1999.  Development and structure of $\alpha$ 2 plates in $\gamma$-based titanium aluminides due to the $\gamma$ to $\alpha$ transformation on heating. Scripta materialia. 40:899–904.
Brundidge CL, Miller JD, Pollock TM.  2011.  Development of dendritic structure in the liquid-metal-cooled, directional-solidification process. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42:2723–2732.
Field RD, Pollock TM, Murphy WH.  1992.  The Development of gamma/ gamma Interfacial Dislocation Networks During Creep in Nickel-Base Superalloys. Superalloys 1992. :557–566.
Ma S, Carroll L, Pollock TM.  2007.  Development of $\gamma$ phase stacking faults during high temperature creep of Ru-containing single crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 55:5802–5812.
