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Cao F, Pollock TM.  2008.  Creep deformation mechanisms in Ru-Ni-Al ternary B2 alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39:39–49.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Depth-profiling study of a thermal barrier coated superalloy using femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 63:27–36.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Levi CG, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Detection of a marker layer in a 7YSZ thermal barrier coating by femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Surface and Coatings Technology. 202:3940–3946.
, Suzuki A, Saddock ND, Jones JW, Pollock TM.  2008.  Dislocation substructures of three die-cast Mg–Al–Ca-based alloys. Scripta Materialia. 58:914–917.
McDonald JP, Ma S, Pollock TM, Yalisove SM, Nees JA.  2008.  Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation dynamics and ablation morphology of nickel based superalloy CMSX-4. Journal of Applied Physics. 103:093111.
Das DK, McDonald JP, Yalisove SM, Pollock TM.  2008.  Femtosecond pulsed laser damage characteristics of 7% Y2O3-ZrO2 thermal barrier coating. Applied Physics A. 91:421–428.
Das DK, Murphy KS, Ma S, Pollock TM.  2008.  Formation of secondary reaction zones in diffusion aluminide-coated Ni-base single-crystal superalloys containing ruthenium. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39:1647–1657.
Suzuki A, Pollock TM.  2008.  High-temperature strength and deformation of $\gamma$/$\gamma$′ two-phase Co–Al–W-base alloys. Acta Materialia. 56:1288–1297.
Kumah DP, Clarke R, Pollock TM, J Jones W.  2008.  In Situ Imaging of High Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth in Single Crystal Nickel-Base Superalloys by Synchrotron X-Radiation. Ann Arbor. 1001:48109.
Liu L, Husseini NS, Torbet CJ, Kumah DP, Clarke R, Pollock TM, J Jones W.  2008.  In situ imaging of high cycle fatigue crack growth in single crystal nickel-base superalloys by synchrotron X-radiation. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 130:021008.
Carroll LJ, Feng Q, Pollock TM.  2008.  Interfacial Dislocation Networks and creep in directional coarsened Ru-containing nickel-base single-crystal superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39:1290–1307.
Pollock T, Widrevitz D, Pong R, Cao F, Tryon B.  2008.  Intermetallic Bond Coats: Systems Compatibility and Platinum-Group Metal Additions. MRS Proceedings. 1128:1128–U06.
Husseini NS, Kumah DP, Z Jian Y, Torbet CJ, Arms DA, Dufresne EM, Pollock TM, J Jones W, Clarke R.  2008.  Mapping single-crystal dendritic microstructure and defects in nickel-base superalloys with synchrotron radiation. Acta Materialia. 56:4715–4723.
Johnson SJ, Tryon B, Pollock TM.  2008.  Post-fabrication vapor phase strengthening of nickel-based sheet alloys for thermostructural panels. Acta Materialia. 56:4577–4584.
Suzuki A, Saddock ND, , Powell BR, Jones JW, Pollock TM.  2008.  Precipitation strengthening of a Mg-Al-Ca–based AXJ530 die-cast alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39:696–702.
Chen C-C, Lee D-J, Pollock T, Whitaker JF.  2008.  Terahertz characterization of interfacial oxide layers and voids for health monitoring of ceramic coatings. 2009 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves.
Madison J, Spowart JE, Rowenhorst DJ, Pollock TM.  2008.  The three-dimensional reconstruction of the dendritic structure at the solid-liquid interface of a Ni-based single crystal. JOM. 60:26–30.
White J, Fichter G, Chernovsky A, Zimdars DA, Whitaker JF, Das D, Pollock TM.  2008.  Time-domain terahertz mapping of thickness and degradation of aircraft turbine blade thermal barrier coatings. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. :CThN7.
Godlewski LA, Su X, Allison JE, Gustafson P, Pollock TM.  2007.  2006-01-0319 A Test Method for Quantifying Residual Stress Due to Heat Treatment in Metals. SAE TRANSACTIONS. 115:273.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2007.  COMPRESSION CREEP BEHAVIOR OF B 2 AL-NI-RU TERNARY ALLOYS. Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys(MRS Symposium Proceedings Series Volume 980). 980:45–50.
Feng Q, Tryon B, Carroll LJ, Pollock TM.  2007.  Cyclic oxidation of Ru-containing single crystal superalloys at 1100 C. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 458:184–194.
Cao F, Pollock TM.  2007.  Deformation mechanisms in a Ru–Ni–Al ternary B2 intermetallic alloy. Acta materialia. 55:2715–2727.
Ma S, Carroll L, Pollock TM.  2007.  Development of $\gamma$ phase stacking faults during high temperature creep of Ru-containing single crystal superalloys. Acta Materialia. 55:5802–5812.
McDonald JP, Ma S, Nees JA, Pollock TM, Yalisove SM.  2007.  Dynamics of Ultrafast Laser Induced Damage in Single Crystal Ni-Based Superalloy During Machining. Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys(MRS Symposium Proceedings Series Volume 980). 980:571–576.
Suzuki A, Saddock ND, Riester L, Lara-Curzio E, Jones JW, Pollock TM.  2007.  Effect of Sr additions on the microstructure and strength of a Mg-Al-Ca ternary alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 38:420–427.
