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Pinz M., Weber G., Lenthe W.C, Uchic M.D, Pollock T.M, Ghosh S..  2018.  Microstructure and property based statistically equivalent RVEs for intragranular γ−γ' microstructures of Ni-based superalloys. Acta Materialia. 157:245–258.
Pinz M, Weber G, Stinville J-C, Pollock T, Ghosh S.  2022.  Data-driven Bayesian model-based prediction of fatigue crack nucleation in Ni-based superalloys. npj Computational Materials. 8
Pinz M, Weber G, Stinville J-C, Pollock T, Ghosh S.  2021.  A Data-Driven Bayesian Model for Predicting Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Polycrystalline Ni-Based Superalloys. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Pollock TM, Argon AS.  1990.  Creep Resistance of CMSX-3 Nickel Base Superalloy Single Crystals: Experimental Observations.
Pollock TM, Argon AS.  1990.  Creep Resistance of CMSX-3 Nickel Base Superalloy Single Crystals: Source of Resistance.
Pollock TM.  2016.  Alloy design for aircraft engines. Nature Materials. 15:809–815.
Pollock TM, Jorgensen D, Jackson RW, He M, Suzuki A, Lipkin D.  2014.  Design constraints and higher temperature intermetallic bond coatings.
Pollock TM, Echlin MP, Mottura A.  2013.  Femtosecond Laser Tomography Using the TriBeam System. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 19:698–699.
Pollock T, Widrevitz D, Pong R, Cao F, Tryon B.  2008.  Intermetallic Bond Coats: Systems Compatibility and Platinum-Group Metal Additions. MRS Proceedings. 1128:1128–U06.
Pollock TM, Thornton K, Rowenhorst DJ, Spowart JE, Madison JD.  2010.  3D simulations for property determination via reconstructed microstructure in nickel-base superalloys..
POLLOCK TRESAM, ARGON ALIS.  1990.  Creep resistance of nickel-base superalloy single crystals. Creep and fracture of engineering materials and structures. :287–301.
Pollock TM, Bird JE, Srivastava SK.  1984.  Failure by shear during plane strain stretching of a duplex steel. TMS (The Metallurgical Society) Paper Selection;(USA). 56
Pollock TM, Laux B, Brundidge CL, Suzuki A, He MY.  2011.  Oxide-Assisted Degradation of Ni-Base Single Crystals During Cyclic Loading: the Role of Coatings. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 94
Pollock TM, Kolluru D.  1995.  DEFORMATION OF NiAl-BASED INTERMETALLICS. Micromechanics of Advanced Materials: A Symposium in Honor of Professor James CM Li's 70th Birthday: Proceedings of a Symposium. :205.
Pollock TM, LeSar R.  2013.  The feedback loop between theory, simulation and experiment for plasticity and property modeling. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 17:10–18.
Pollock TM, Lipkin DM, Hemker KJ.  2012.  Multifunctional coating interlayers for thermal-barrier systems. MRS bulletin. 37:923–931.
Pollock TM.  1998.  Creep deformation and the evolution of precipitate morphology in nickel-based single crystals. Modelling of Microstructural Evolution in Creep Resistant Materials. :1998.
Pollock TM, Argon AS.  1992.  The Role of Creep Deformation in Directional Coarsening of gamma' in Nickel-Base Single Crystals. Modeling of Coarsening and Grain Growth. :35–44.
Pollock TM, Argon AS.  1988.  Intermediate temperature creep deformation in CMSX-3 single crystals. Superalloys 1988. :285.
Pollock TM, Kissinger RD, Bowman RR, Green K.  2000.  Superalloys 2000. Ninth International Symposium on Superalloys. :2000.
Pollock TM, Field RD.  2002.  Dislocations and high-temperature plastic deformation of superalloy single crystals. Dislocations in solids. 11:547–618.
Pollock TM, Mumm DR, Muraleedharan K, Martin PL.  1996.  In-situ observations of crack initiation and growth at notches in cast Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb. Scripta materialia. 35:1311–1316.
Pollock TM, Lu DC, Shi X, Eow K.  2001.  A comparative analysis of low temperature deformation in B2 aluminides. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 317:241–248.
Pollock TM, Murphy WH.  1996.  The breakdown of single-crystal solidification in high refractory nickel-base alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 27:1081–1094.
