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M.L. Chabinyc, and J.I. Brauman. "Unusual ionic hydrogen bonds: Complexes of acetylides and fluoroform." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 122 (2000): 8739-8745.
G.A. Janaway, M.L. Zhong, G.G. Gatev, M.L. Chabinyc, and J.I. Brauman. "[FHNO]-: An Intermediate in a Spin Forbidden Proton Transfer Reaction." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 119 (1997): 11697-11698.
M.L. Chabinyc, and J.I. Brauman. "Acidity, basicity, and the stability of hydrogen bonds: Complexes of RO-+HCF3." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 120 (1998): 10863-10870.